China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

June 3, 2008

China or no China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 10:26 pm
china law
Shell asked:

My future mother in law says that I should put China on my registry. Well I read in a magazine that alot of people now a days are not using china, they are just getting nice white dishes and everything and dressing it up with flowers. China would be nice, I would rather get other things besides that. What do you think?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

November 4, 2005

Isn’t there a law against parents making their children do slave work?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 8:31 pm
china law
kid_with_rights asked:

I am forced to do the dishes after breakfast, lunch, and supper and also any snack anybody eats. then, I have to empty the garbage cans in our house and put new bags in them, vacuum the floor, and I have to get on my hands and knees and mop. I also have to dust the china and furniture, vacuum all the floors in our house, and clean up after my sisters and brothers. I’m like a cinderella and i am tired of it. Oh, and my parents do inspection, for every spot i miss, i have to eat it off the floor. it is harsh. isnt there a law against that?
for the person asked if i hold the mop between my teeth, no i do not, i get down on one hand and my knees and i scrub the floors with a washcloth. Sorry, i should have been more clear on tthat

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