China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

May 10, 2008

Would you prefer to live in China or US?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 1:31 pm
china law
Lucifer1000 asked:

Totalitarian Country versus Western Democracy

Both countries contain wealthy people.. infact there are bigger real estate tycoons in China than there is in the US.

How about freedom and human rights issues?

Just walking around in the United States you have to careful of someone pulling a gun on you due to your stupid laws.

US dominates China in violence and crime rate. As for pollution US still wins this despite having 1/6th the population of China.

What about life expectancy? well due to your gun laws you would probably get shot before you even reach the age of 50 let alone at 21 years of age.

How about hygiene and health issues? lol… I won’t even go there…

If you don’t want a negative opinion of your country then change your damn gun laws. Citizens are not the infantry and do not need guns.

Don’t vote for any president who won’t force the removal of all guns. .
everyone who posts USA probably has a gun or several guns in their household
ok I’ve heard the spitting in China..

but people just spit in US too? its a foul habit I agree but not as foul as littering and other things
ohh interesting now I know why guns will always be allowed in the US.

So disarming people of weapons is removing their rights to violen.. cough I mean freedom..

No wonder the crime rate is so high there.. and you can’t have a constructive debate without being violent or resorting to name calling.

Vote for a president with a ‘brain’… (this excludes the Clintons)

which leaves either Ron Paul or Obama.

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