China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

May 10, 2008

Would you prefer to live in China or US?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 1:31 pm
china law
Lucifer1000 asked:

Totalitarian Country versus Western Democracy

Both countries contain wealthy people.. infact there are bigger real estate tycoons in China than there is in the US.

How about freedom and human rights issues?

Just walking around in the United States you have to careful of someone pulling a gun on you due to your stupid laws.

US dominates China in violence and crime rate. As for pollution US still wins this despite having 1/6th the population of China.

What about life expectancy? well due to your gun laws you would probably get shot before you even reach the age of 50 let alone at 21 years of age.

How about hygiene and health issues? lol… I won’t even go there…

If you don’t want a negative opinion of your country then change your damn gun laws. Citizens are not the infantry and do not need guns.

Don’t vote for any president who won’t force the removal of all guns. .
everyone who posts USA probably has a gun or several guns in their household
ok I’ve heard the spitting in China..

but people just spit in US too? its a foul habit I agree but not as foul as littering and other things
ohh interesting now I know why guns will always be allowed in the US.

So disarming people of weapons is removing their rights to violen.. cough I mean freedom..

No wonder the crime rate is so high there.. and you can’t have a constructive debate without being violent or resorting to name calling.

Vote for a president with a ‘brain’… (this excludes the Clintons)

which leaves either Ron Paul or Obama.

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  1. I’d rather live in the US and do vacations in China

    Comment by fiveamrunner — May 11, 2008 @ 12:04 am

  2. U.S.A. all the way!!

    Comment by Richard M — May 14, 2008 @ 10:42 am

  3. United States

    Comment by Marissa M — May 17, 2008 @ 7:46 pm

  4. My brother lives in China, but is presently living in the US till feb. something cause he wants to take his GRE’s. So I will quote him on what he says about people who constantly complain about the US….. “Come stay with me in China for a month.”

    Comment by Godly Reality Check — May 18, 2008 @ 11:19 am

  5. the bush,es might own a golf course there. Why would anyone want to live in a slave country

    Comment by honeybeejim — May 19, 2008 @ 8:28 am

  6. US china is dirty i see peple on tv they just spit wherever they want

    Comment by Jessie — May 19, 2008 @ 11:59 am

  7. Since Michigan changed the concealed carry laws more Michigan citizens than ever are carrying guns. Gunshot deaths have declined dramatically in the same time.
    I am well past fifty and have not been shot, or even shot at.
    You need to check your sources of information.
    If you think China is better, I suggest you move there, and become a big real estate tycoon.
    I’m sure the government there will assist you.

    Comment by helltoo — May 22, 2008 @ 10:07 am

  8. I’m trying to decide how to answer this question. Should I be direct? Should I be glib? Should I simply tell you how dumb you sound?

    You seem entirely too hung up on guns and gun violence. Yes, it is an issue. And yes, I’m more likely to advocate a gun control stance than a right to bear arms stance. But I acknowledge that taking guns from law abiding citizens will not keep the guns from criminals. And I further acknowledge that your odds of being a victim of gun violence drop dramatically if you live outside of poor inner city areas and/or avoid gangs.

    Now you’re US versus China comparison is just ridiculous. In the US, we actually have basic human rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We have the right to speak out against the government. The government can just do what it wants without citizen oversight (talk to people in China who live behind the Three Gorges Dam). And in the US we actually have standards for public health such as for drinking water and food safety.

    I won’t comment on the pollution issue because I don’t know all the the facts. But I do know that American cities are generally much cleaner than cities in China. If the overall pollution is greater in the US, it’s because we have so many cars and because so much of China is still an agrarian society – much of the pollution comes from cities on China’s east coast.

    For the record: I do not own a gun, I have no desire to own a gun, and I could care less if the government restricts my ability to own a gun. I also feel that gun owners are more likely to see their gun harm a loved one than to use it to defend their life or property.

    Comment by Justin H — May 24, 2008 @ 5:30 pm

  9. I’d like to live in China temporarily just to be able to see it during its crazy expansion. Whether or not I’d stay? That’s another matter. I find Chinese culture fascinating, I find the cities very interesting, I find its women beuatiful, and I would love to see its abundant wildlife and forests… it’d even be cool to see some of the Eastern parts of the country and be one of the few Americans to experience Ughyr culture. But ultimately I like all my freedoms.

    I think it’s sort of cool that a couple years ago the Chinese gov’t executed a billionaire who had someone killed and then took his fortune; maybe that sort of behavior would shut up some of the loudmouthed, obnoxious liberterians and make some people think twice…

    But I like being able to google whatever I want, practice whatever set of philosophy I want, etc without fear of someone taking me away to re-educate me.

    Crime happens a-plenty in China, but lots of it isn’t reported, either by the government, or by the people for fear of how the government will handle it.

    Disease is a WAY bigger problem in China and you’re right: hygiene in China is way worse than it is here… many of my friends who are Chinese-American have been appalled at how dirty the cities are, and people will spit on the floor of a bus, don’t cover their mouths when coughing, vomiting in the streets, etc. Odds are not very high that I’ll get shot before I’m 50.

    Neither country is perfect. Both countries execute people without due cause. I won’t try to say one is better than the other… in terms of justice, cleanliness and standard of living, countries like Sweden and Norway pwn both.

    EDIT: yes, I do in fact own a couple guns. I’ve never shot anyone or been tempted to. Never hunted either. Do people in China own kitchen knives? Because you can use those to kill too…

    People in the US spit, usually in the gutter. You never see people spitting indoors or in busses; if you do, you can get kicked out or even fined. You will also be fined for litter if a police officer sees you and in some areas it can cost you as much as $500.

    Comment by Tristan S — May 24, 2008 @ 11:58 pm

  10. USA there nothing in china that would want me to ever been born there for one girls are still treated badly or even killed at birth so i think i stick with the USA .
    plus we do not pull our guns out as if we lived in the old west we learn our gun laws and we learn how to do gun safety our for fathers gave this right to us and noone need to tell us how we should live our lives we do just find by the way !

    plus it the one who are coming from over seas who shooting the guns more then the usa person like at the collage last year when that person shot up the collage he was not from the usa mmm you need check your facts be for shooting off your mouth on usa and guns .

    Comment by Bear — May 27, 2008 @ 7:34 pm

  11. The United States. There are many legal and illegal immigrants from China in the United States and more are trying to get here. No Americans are trying to move to China. Case closed.

    Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? You tell us to vote for someone that is anti-gun and then you tell us to vote for Ron Paul, who is extremely pro-gun.

    Comment by Jack Bauer — May 29, 2008 @ 9:05 am

  12. Little girl…You are an idiot! Grow up! There is no comparison between China and the U.S. I’ve been to both (and the old Soviet Union plus India, Korea and Iraq) so, if you really wanna find out…then go! The first step that a government takes in undermining it’s peoples rights is to DISARM THEM! You are so spoiled. Absolute idiot.

    Comment by nunya_bizness49090 — May 29, 2008 @ 9:37 am

  13. U. S. hands down. For all it’s faults. You can have this question out in the open with no consequences.
    Having lived in a country for a few years where you can’t complain openly about the powers that be I appreciate being able to complain long and loud about anyone or anything I want to.
    I have never had a gun pulled on me and I have never pulled a gun on anyone. This is a big country and bad things do happen but they happen everywhere whether you have gun laws or not.
    About hygiene and health issures… why won’t you even go there?
    If you are Chinese, can you have an open question which is negative about China there?
    I think it is extremely short sighted of you to judge a country on something that is not really even thought about in so much of the country.
    I’m glad you don’t rule my world.

    Comment by Rudolph'sGrandma — June 1, 2008 @ 8:02 pm

  14. First off, I have never worried about crime as much as I did when I visited Hong Kong, crime in China was a lot higher, including violent crime. Most of us will make it to our 80’s . Health and Hygene? Well, if you want to risk drinking water in China, go ahead, US doesn’t worry about Cholera, Yellow fever, and a host of other diseases that run rampent in China.

    China makes a heck of a lot more pollution and devastates the environment, Our national parks were put into place because of the damage we saw China did to the environment.

    Our guns? citizens are not infantry? Well, we are militia, by constitutional decree, also many countries that ban citizens from owning guns are either oppressive or have higher crime rates than ours.

    Funny, we have the most visited tourism spots in the world, so I don’t think we are as unpopular and unsafe as you think.

    Freedom and human rights? I think we lead the world in that, but you are too ignorant to know.

    Besides, what makes you the expert on if citzens need guns or not? Hvae you ever been in Alaska? In some places you better be packing in case you run into a grizzly. What about ranchers and herders in the west? You don’t think wildlife in America can harm them and their herds or flocks?

    China has more real esate tycoons? soo what, we have more billionares IN ALL OTHER AREAS. That is like saying we have less Asians here so we must be better at birth control.

    Comment by joseph b — June 1, 2008 @ 11:08 pm

  15. I would prefer the US however with your totalitarian thinking, you may like China better! You would probably have a better chance of getting shoot then most…

    – Card carrying NRA Member

    Comment by scredawg — June 4, 2008 @ 12:32 am

  16. Just given those two countries as choices I would pick the U.S. We still have more freedoms than the Chinese do. We are not yet as overcrowded as China, and we are not limited yet as to the number of children we can have. We are seriously thinking of Canada or Australia as our future home.

    Comment by JULIE — June 6, 2008 @ 7:43 pm

  17. China is too expensive, have you seen what a Flat costs in Hong Kong!! Ouch

    Comment by USMCgrlandMommy — June 11, 2008 @ 10:16 am

  18. I would love to live in China for a few years. Then I’d probably go back to Canada.

    Comment by LEONARD W — June 14, 2008 @ 2:09 pm

  19. I have spoken with several people in China over the past 12 years. Most of them love the Clinton’s…especially for the wonderful things they did for China’s military, and economy. It seems like you don’t really have a clue about what you are asking…in fact you are ranting about things you don’t really understand. Perhaps you have been reading some really inaccurate propaganda.

    Comment by Jalapinomex — June 15, 2008 @ 2:58 am

  20. 不要这样说,让你丢脸!不好意思!美国跟美国不是敌人

    Comment by anxierhui — June 17, 2008 @ 4:36 am

  21. 你开玩笑吗?

    Comment by xyoob_lauj — June 19, 2008 @ 8:50 pm

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