China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

September 17, 2006

Why Does China Think It Owns Taiwan?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 11:35 am
china law
a bush family member asked:

Isn’t kind of dumb for China to think it still owns Taiwan? It has been over 50 years since Taiwan has had its own government. Under international law, it take just 50 years for a country to form. China also used the same law as proof of ownership of Tibet.
To Hao Li: Hawaii chose to become a U.S. state. In 1959, over 90% of Hawaiians chose for Hawaii to become a state and stop being a territory.
And polls show most people in Taiwan don’t want to be part of China.

“140000 votes cast, less than 8000 rejected the Admission Act of 1959.”

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