China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

January 13, 2005

has china stoped dog abuse or cat abuse?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 11:41 am
china law
flowerlegz asked:

when a chinese person purchases a dog , why do they beat them to train them? we had a person in our local city beat his husky pup so bad the pup had to be put down, chinese person a 23 yr old student from china in canada for education, claimed he wasnt aware of our animal cruelty laws, He broke so many bones in the husky pups legs and ribs, and smased the pups had into a firehydrant, some people who saw him doing this called police, the young man was arrested and was charged and will be going to court soon, was a uproar in our city people are just angry at this man saying he was training the pup , and that they do that in china, so can anyone send me chinas laws on animals more importtely dogs, i want to know how they treat dogs as pets in china and how they do train them i just dont belive this man is telling the truth!! after all why train him if the end result is the dog dies… of trama or abuse..

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