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May 13, 2008

Illegals breaking the law?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:33 pm
china law

Here is what I don’t understand. There is all this outcry about how illegals broke the law, and how they should be punished for it. What I don’t understand is why people don’t realize is that everybody if put in the right circumstance WILL BREAK THE LAW. For example if you couldn’t provide enough food to fill your kids bellies, you will steal. If you couldn’t even hope that your kids could get a better life, you will do whatever you could to change that reality.

I’m not trying to make excuses for them, but I think people are so angry at change that they’ve stopped being rational.

You can’t draw a line in the sand and say on one side is opportunity and on the other is hopelessness and expect that people won’t try to cross. The great wall of china couldn’t keep out 12th century mongols…the great wall of mexico won’t keep out 21st century mexicans.
It’s a reality not just an excuse. I realize they broke the law, but that law stood in the way of hope. In the end of the day, if I was born in a Mexican or Central American village, I’d do everything I could to get here.
Like I’ve said I recognize they broke the law, the problem is we are unjustly demonizing these people.

I don’t think there is a large amount of racisim. I do think it a general fear of change. Psychologically people rather things stay the same, the way they are comfortable with. Things have been changing pretty quickly the last couple of years, and immigrants (as they have throughout our history) are easy scapgoats.
Also from a purely darwinian economic point of view, these are the people we should want MOST. It be nice if they were more highly educated, but these are the most industrious, the risk takers, the ones who will work hardest to get ahead of their respective countries. Food for thought.
What I really think would be the best solution is something close to the senate bill. Tighten up the boarder and punish workers of illegals in a similiar way as the house proposes. Provide a guest worker program. Guest worker program is by state, each state determining how many workers they need for a 3 year period. Those workers pay taxes, must establish a physical address, and stable employment. Those looking to hire these workers would advertise as such so that people may have work quickly after entering. A certain number of day labors would also be allowed. After the 3-years are up they would have to reapply, whether from the US or their home country. Preference is given to those who have already “served” more terms. Those who have served 4 terms or more would be given a legal residency option for spouse and any children, as long as all members have stayed out of legal trouble. Also give credit to those who have been here as illegals equal to the time they’ve been here.
To: fl0wergir1_usa…now you are just being dumb. There are different level of crime based off what you did and intent. For example there is involuntary manslaughter, manslaughter, murder 2, and murder 1. Each is a crime, but punished very differently based off intent. These people have good reason to have done what they have done. That’s worth something.

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  1. it’ll keep most of them out. and it’s not just a “wall.” they’ve got lots of other kinds of security they’re adding.

    Comment by ♥ katie b. — May 17, 2008 @ 2:49 am

  2. You are making excuses.

    Comment by luvamerica — May 17, 2008 @ 11:25 am

  3. well when you steel that food to feed your family you know you could go to jail, its part of the risk. but a starving family puts the potently reward (being able to feed them) over the risk (jail). when doing anything you look at the risk vs the benefits.

    so the illegals took that risk and now might have to pay the price for such risk.

    Comment by ascarta2 — May 19, 2008 @ 4:02 am

  4. What do you mean you’e not trying to make excuses? You just did.

    Comment by sugarpie — May 21, 2008 @ 12:10 am

  5. ok but if i steal a loaf of bread to feed my kids in this country and i get caught i have to pay for that crime right?

    mexico is not a poor country it has enough resources to take care of its own but because of corruption it wont, so if we continue to help them are we not then just supporting corruption? and when will it stop ?

    Comment by hayleylov — May 21, 2008 @ 10:01 am

  6. You make a thoroughly valid point. Whenever a country is rich and prosperous, citizens of poorer countries will try to enter that country to make a better life for themselves.

    What you need to understand is that some people will make a valid application with the government of the richer country as an asylum seeker. They will go with the process and enter the country legally.

    Illegal immigrants on the other hand will cross the border by any means possible. Human trafficking, smuggling themselves across the border by any method.

    So we have to draw the distinction between a valid asylum seeker and someone who has ‘broken into’ the country.

    The political far right would have us believe that asylum seekers and illegal immigrants are the same thing. They are not.

    Comment by Darren — May 24, 2008 @ 5:51 am


    Comment by US OWNED BY MEXICO — May 27, 2008 @ 10:50 am

  8. When your need for a better life is at the expense of others, then it’s a problem. I saw on the news the other day that one American farmer sustains over $40,000 per year in damages done to his property because it is on the path/route that illegals take as they head into the US. Is he supposed to just eat that $40,000 because those people need a better life? Is that fair? Why are the needs of illegals more important than those of the average American?

    Comment by Taffi — May 30, 2008 @ 9:11 am

  9. I was watching the Daily Show on Comedy Central about this same issue and they made a good point about making Mexico part of the USA! lol I feel for these immigrants who just want a better life but the bottom line is people need to be more active and get out and vote on these issues and contact politicians about how they feel. If we all act like a herd of sheep in this country, these politicians will do what they want and a perfect example is how the US citizens don’t speak up enough about high fuel prices.Everyone wants to complain about issues in this country but nobody wants to take the correct measures to stop what is wrong.The thing that confuses me is that US businesses are moving south of the border but the Mexican work force continues to invade the USA for jobs.Maybe we can change the constitutional ammendment to allow Arnold “The Terminator” to become our next US President?!!!

    Comment by BOOMER — May 30, 2008 @ 5:24 pm

  10. So when you get caught stealing food for your kids and they slap the handcuffs on you are you going to scream that you have a right to steal. When you go before a Judge are you going to plead that you are innocent by reason of need. I f you break the law you have to expect to pay the price if you get caught. It was said best in a 70’s tv show, do not do the crime if you can’t do the time.

    Comment by Answerman — May 31, 2008 @ 2:48 pm

  11. Mexicans Are Criminals!!!

    Deport Them!!!

    Comment by Schutzstaffel — June 4, 2008 @ 2:01 am

  12. I don’t see old people or married illegals.All I see is young healthy single ones who don’t look like they have missed many meals.

    Comment by Locutus — June 6, 2008 @ 4:41 pm

  13. I don’t think you’re making excuses, i do agree with you, we’re in the 21st century. If so many mexicans, in this case, need or demand so much for their livelihood in their country where they can’t even get a good job that provides them with sufficient money to maintain a family, then i think the government is IGNORING this reality and to be honest, i think has all to do with discrimination. Some people in the states feel so proud about their nationality, that is very good, i do too for mine, but, not to the point of not accepting and respecting inmigrants speciually latins, in this case, mexicans. I know the feeling: americans feel invaded, is their territory and they have 12 million illegals and who knows how many is latin population right now. in other circumstances, it would be breaking the law, however, if a person is in need like you said to provide their kids with food and they have no way to get it besides stealing, any father or mother in that situation will do it. is not mexicans fault is the government’s fault! i think that with all the research taht has been done about inmigrants, specially latinamericans in the states, there is enough proof that they enrich the country’s culture, economy, diversity! Come on Americans, take the example of Canada, is a powerful country, full of inmigrants, everybody is welcome, everybody tolerates and respects, WE LIVE IN PEACE and we celebrate diversity!!! How good is to live withouth any discriminations, cultural conflicts or HATE. I think that USA does this because they know inmigrants progress, fight for their rights, fight for their identities and struggle with life no matter what!! we’re all brave and i say: if they can go there with visas, then DO IT, thats best for them and it’s the law. however, If they don’t even have clothes or food or help from government, do as your heart tells you, they risk even their freedom when they cross borders but the changes to earn more money, live to send money to their kids and families is more worth it and it feels better even if they’re in a strange, new, discriminating environment trying to remaing in a country that offers them what they need, but the huge sacrifice to be apart friom theire kids is very traumatic and depressing, but it is worth it for them, to provide vital care and food for their kids, than seen them wake up everyday. thank you.

    Comment by Aliyaah — June 7, 2008 @ 8:03 pm

  14. You’re just making excuses for those CRIMINALS who don’t want to wait to enter this country LEGALLY, so they sneak in like thieves in the night.They shpould be identified, rounded up and deported. The employers that hire illegals should be heavily fines with mandatory federal prison time. The illegals, and their employers, should be convicted of felonies. This earned citizenship is a crock of bullsh*t, it’s nothing but an amnesty.

    Comment by Ron — June 8, 2008 @ 7:31 am

  15. well I dont wanna pay for your food stamps or your medical covereage. and I dont want you in my neighborhood because you could be a terrorist. and because you are here illeagaly(hypothetically) all the work your doing for below minimum wages arent taxed so my taxes are going to go up because the illeagals dont pay any. no one said they couldnt be here they just need to go through the red tape.

    Comment by theandy68 — June 11, 2008 @ 2:57 pm

  16. The whole point is that they can go through legal channels to work and live here. Why do I have to pay taxes, and they don’t. I pay to live and work here.
    I pay taxes so that they can go to a free clinic to get health care.
    Go through legal channels, and there would be no problem
    There are approx 11 MILLION illegal aliens in the US. Think if they were paying taxes, how much richer the entire country would be. Maybe we would be able to have proper school programs. Food for thought.

    Comment by Wendy H — June 12, 2008 @ 7:50 pm


    Comment by rebecarrill — June 13, 2008 @ 4:25 pm

  18. You mention numerous good points. Truth is, illegal immigrants themselves (Mexicans or others) are not the problem. It is the failure of the American Gov. and the American peopele. The gov guys are too busy trying to get reelected and make some $$$$ for themselves and their families. The Messicans are only trying to better their lives …a human trait.
    Americans are all skuttling around taking care of paying their bills and making ends meet that they don’t participate in the process of creating security, and standards in gov and their lives to worry about immigration until it maybe is too late.
    How can any of you, knowing that supposedly voting for what you believe in is going to determine your future, even in the greatest compassion for the poor illegals, condone immigration by only one group in the large, electoral modifying sizes that these people are coming into our country? I love compassion but who will weep for me when there is crime beyond our ability to control it, there is not housing or water or elec. or gasoline or? you name it ..because there are too many people. The maojority (amnystied illegal/not citizens will vote for social welfare programs to feed their families, give them health care etc. For Pete’s sake …these people aren’t even citizens and they are demanding things. Wake up and take your country back. Let the gov guys know you’re PO and your mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. And then do something about it. Find your own little way to boycott, to not support, to speak of your concerns to your compatriot American brothers and systers. Rise up and DO something. Think about it …you will figure a way to play your part in protecting our country and way of life from an invasion. Forget the terroists in the Middle East. We have a much bigger problem with this issue here in this country. Just remember …it’s your brother, boyfriend, husband, father that is over in Irag possibly dieing for America and Americans. Think they want to come home to a world of poverty stricken, illegal types who speak a language other than English? By all means be compassionate with others of all races …but get our nest in oder first …then we can work on Mexico and other corrupt governments to take care of what is their responsiblity.

    Comment by JuanCarlosNoMore — June 15, 2008 @ 6:33 pm

  19. Here’s the problem with that. This is not a situation where they are ‘put in the right situation.’ That would be to suggest that there is no chance to enter legally. There is, it requires patience, a willingness to learn english and our history and laws, and to better protect themselves from being exploited. If a person is fleeing an oppressive country or regime, we have special provisions for that as well. People entering the country illegally are just choosing not to do things the legal way. If the immigrants want the better life and opportunity that America provides, it will just have to be done legally. If you are caught breaking the law, even if it’s stealing food to feed your family or any other of your examples and still you will face the consequences of your actions. Same with illegal immigrants, even if there was some noble reason for them to break the law which there is not, there are still consequences for breaking the law.

    Comment by kronin_shadow — June 16, 2008 @ 9:45 am

  20. break the law and they should pay just like when we break the law that is why we teach kids not to break the laws they dont think are right

    Comment by blacksheep — June 18, 2008 @ 2:10 am

  21. Every person for illegal immigration needs to compensate these innocent people who have had their social security numbers and identities stolen by these illegals who invade our country with no care who they hurt. They should have to not only compensate the money lost from their social security accounts after they are zeroed out once the fraud is detected, but every last cent the victims had to pay taking time off work, every cent that went into photocopying documentation, every cent that went towards lawyers and gas driving somewhere to get this mess taken care of, and any other financial expenditure the victim had to cough up. They should also be forced to compensate the victims for the emotional hardships endured. They should have to compensate for the money and time spent trying to straighten out their credit ratings after these illegals have ruined them. They should be forced to compensate these victims for every single hardship related to what these illegals have inflicted upon these people. Currently, the system does not provide any compensation at all and a lot of people are never restored to previctimization status. Oh but these pro-illegals claim that illegal immigration is a victimless crime that hurts no one and that we are whining when we complain.

    You think these illegals care that they are hurting innocent lives? Their loyalty is to Mexico. They proved that during one of the first rallies when they took down the American flag, hung up the Mexican flag, and then hung the American flag upside down underneath it. THAT is how they feel about America.

    Then the people who want to appease them pull out the excuses about how people who are not even alive now, and haven’t been for hundreds of years, ‘stole’ the land from the American Indians. Even American politicians are carrying out this traitorous attack on our sovereignty! If this keeps up, the United States of America will become a 3rd world country, just like Mexico! Mexico’s problems are not the fault of Americans, but they are becoming our problems because the Mexicans are invading us and bringing their problems with them.

    The illegals make up about 5 % of the work force. The unemployment rate is about 4.5%. Keep in mind that the unemployment rate does NOT represent everyone who is unemployed. It only counts those who are collecting unemployment. Everyone else’s plight is ignored. The unemployment rate if everyone was counted would be tremendous. We do NOT have a shortage of labor, we have a large surplus. The more illegals that come in and take our jobs at minimum wage or less (often less) puts more and more Americans out of a job. Most of these Americans are never counted in the unemployment rate if they do not manage to get unemployment benefits. Unemployment benefits are hard to receive.

    Illegals draw welfare by stealing people’s social security numbers and identities. That means there are a lot of people being directly hurt by these people as well. Innocent people are having their credit ratings ruined, having IRS problems, and social security problems. If someone who has had their social security number stolen gets married, if either spouse dies or become disabled then they can be denied their benefits.

    My family moved to the US before WWII. Those of my family that didn’t make it over got killed by the death camps. Our family assimilated to the American culture. We didn’t expect the Americans to change to suit us. The illegal immigrants from Mexico are not civilized like that.

    They not only changed the National Anthem to Spanish, they changed the words. They already burn our flag and hang our flag upside down. They waved the Mexican flag during a lot of their protests. Some schools have stopped hanging the American flag and forbidden students from wearing clothes with any part of the American flag on their clothing all to keep from offending the Mexicans. It’s nothing short of an attack of our country, not only by the illegal aliens, but those who seek to appease them.

    I am tired of the stereotype that Americans wouldn’t do the work that illegals do. Illegals do all kinds of jobs for less than minimum wage which drives the wages down for U.S. citizens. Construction jobs are an example. There are lots of illegals doing construction jobs that Americans used to do because the companies can keep more of the profits if they pay less for the workers. All that does is make companies wealthier and Americans poorer. Illegals are stealing jobs that Americans have done for years.

    “Mexico is waging war on the U.S. through mass immigration illegal and legal, through the assertion of Mexican national claims over the U.S., and through the subversion of its laws and sovereignty, all having the common end of bringing the southwestern part of the U.S. under the control of the expanding Mexican nation, and of increasing Mexico’s political and cultural influence over the U.S. as a whole.

    Cultural imperialism

    We experience Mexico’s assault on our country incrementally—as a series of mini-crises, each of which calls forth ever-renewed debates and perhaps some tiny change of policy. Because it has been with us so long and has become part of the cultural and political air we breathe, it is hard for us to see the deep logic behind our “immigration problem.” Focused as we are on border incursions, border enforcement, illegal alien crime, guest worker proposals, changes of government in Mexico City, and other such transient problems and events—all of them framed by the media’s obfuscation of whether or not illegal immigration’s costs outweigh its benefits and by the maudlin script of “immigrant rights”—we don’t get the Big Picture: that the Mexican government is promoting and carrying out an attack on the United States.

    Another reason we miss what’s happening is that our focus is on the immigrants as individuals. Thus our leaders talk about illegal immigrants as “good dads,” “hard working folks” seeking to better their lives and their family’s prospects. In fact, this is not about individual immigrants and their families, legal or illegal. It is about a great national migration, a nation of people moving into our nation’s land, in order to reproduce on it their own nation and people and push ours aside.

    Thus, in orchestrating this war on America, the Mexican state is representing the desires of the Mexican people as a whole.

    What are these desires?

    (1) Political revanchism—to regain control of the territories Mexico lost to the U.S. in 1848, thus avenging themselves for the humiliations they feel they have suffered at our hands for the last century and a half;

    (2) Cultural imperialism—to expand the Mexican culture and the Spanish language into North America; and especially

    (3) Economic parasitism—to maintain and increase the flow of billions of dollars that Mexicans in the U.S. send back to their relatives at home every year, a major factor keeping the chronically troubled Mexican economy afloat and the corrupt Mexican political system cocooned in its status quo. “

    Comment by Jessica — June 21, 2008 @ 1:07 pm

  22. Why don’t they stay in Mexico and start a revolution to set up a government that it not so corrupt. The answer is because they would be breaking the law and they would be punished, at least for a while. Now they dont want to break the law in Mexico, but they will break our laws of our country. When I lived in Germany, Italy, Japan and Spain, I learned the language of the country, they didn’t make laws that everyone had to speak English and I obeyed the laws of the country I lived in, I went to their schools and they didn’t speak English to me, I spoke their language. The thing most people don’t like is the fact that all of these illegals participated in demonstrations demandig rights that they don’t legally have. Are we going to see demonstrations for all the people who have traffic fines to forget about them…I DONT THINK SO. There is right way and a wrong way, do it right and there is no problem, but do it wrong way and too bad.

    Comment by Cordelia — June 22, 2008 @ 9:41 am

  23. evryone is illegal if he doesn’t have proper documents in this country .

    Comment by dantistryfiliya — June 25, 2008 @ 2:33 pm

  24. no one is perfect, everyone breaks the law, i broke the law just the other day, who cares.

    Comment by lsl*83 — June 27, 2008 @ 5:26 am

  25. “For example if you couldn’t provide enough food to fill your kids bellies, you will steal.”

    So then, hey, let’s let the inmates out of prison!! They all have reasons to do what they did. They only killed 10 people, but it’s only by accident. They only robbed banks and shoot people along the way, but they have to defend themselves, right? What’s wrong with stealing, they just want something they don’t have. What’s wrong with murder? They just want to get rid of somebody that bothers them. What’s wrong with invading your house? They just want to live in it.

    Basically, we should just tear down the jail, prisons, etc and let them all go free. Why hold them back? It’s a free country. Let them out so they can do whatever they want…of course whatever they do or did was for good cause. *wink*

    Comment by fl0wergir1_usa — June 27, 2008 @ 7:14 pm

  26. yes they are breaking the law, and our laws are there to protect the American public, not illegals…. if we let every tom,dick ,and harry across our borders, we just might as well let every terrorist in and bomb us, kill our kids,rape our women and slash our throats…. the law is there for a reason…TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PUBLIC, and illegals have no reason to come here except through the legal channels !!!!

    Comment by canadianlover57 — June 27, 2008 @ 9:39 pm

  27. I think your making some excuses-not everyone-we have homeless and starving (growing in numbers in every city yearly-see web) and no they all do not break the law despite their circumstances. I can safely walk Downtown Chicago and the beggars don’t steal from me and I have seen some eat garbage (relish off a hot dog wrapper and dug for more). And many would like to change their circumstances. I now work for health issues-and some can not get their medicine to live-and no they are not breaking any laws. So your argument is not the best there. You are making excuses (but you are feeling for their plight.) I think most feel for the poor people(most who come are not the real poor) of Mexico but they feel they cannot hurt those here to help them. Hurt to help-is not the right way.

    How are they hurting? Many here need basics (thousands and thousands) they need Health and Medicine and no their isn’t programs for many. They need food are food pantries are running short in many places. And they need heat in the winter-every year some die(on news and here locally-for those who deny this -check newspapers on web).Many have no homes. We do not have an endless pot of gold to help all-sorry we do not. So do we ignore these citizens? Our state Departments Aid programs (despite that some do not know it) have more than they can handle now-and programs are being cut. Many illegals use this-money that rightfully should go to others. Our schools are overcrowded-neither of these demand citizenship. Who pays we do. Money that could be used for the poor here. After we do right by them than we can reach out for more to help-that would be fair.

    We need to be rational. A guess work permit is fine for companies that can not find enough help. That would make those companies pay and leave the doors open to those here. But to open the doors to those who have come against the law-would not be fair and do hurt others.

    Others should fight in their own government-just like here. But this is easier here-that is why. You mean well but you are stepping on many here in a sincere but not pratical or fair way. Please rethink all the issues.

    Comment by hadenough — June 27, 2008 @ 10:08 pm

  28. While that may or may not be the case when you are caught the illegal activity must end. In this case the “gig” is up and what is going on is a bunch of people whining because they couldn’t get something for nothing.

    Comment by joeandhisguitar — June 28, 2008 @ 3:52 pm


    Comment by ria_en_voz_alta — July 1, 2008 @ 6:58 pm

  30. Will you lead all of the ILLEGAL’S BACK TO MEXICO ? PLEASE! I for one, do not want AMERICA, in 10-25 yrs, to be called THE UNITED STATES OF MEXICO….If they wanted to show the kid’s the CORRECT way of life, they would not have BROKEN AMERICAN IMMIGRATION LAW’S in the first place…They would have come here LEGALLY, like so many before them….I am sure they can find food in Mexico, it is not only in AMERICA….I am only telling you how I feel….If they came here LEGALLY, NO PROBLEM, enjoy, God Bless, pay taxes & support the other immigrant’s, like we have supported you.. I think the Mexican immigrant only think’s of himself & family, He does not care about other’s or the country he is in…For him it is all ME, ME, ME, ME……….

    Comment by Mike Hunt — July 4, 2008 @ 5:31 pm

  31. yo buddy if you do not like it then why don’t you move to mexico and support them there. at the rate that they are invading MY country i will have to start stealing because there will not be any jobs for me to support my family. it is not my fault that their government is crooked. i do not want them here and i think that we should just tie a cinder block around their ankles and throw them back into the water that they swam across to get here ILLEGALLY. it’s that simple.

    Comment by geisingers2 — July 5, 2008 @ 7:25 pm

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