China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

July 29, 2008

How do i clean my coffee maker. i DONT have any?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 11:42 pm
china law
anyways_fukitol asked:

Vinegar!!!!!!!!!!!! my father in law gave me some coffee grounds to try from china….ewwwwwwwww horrible stuff it was.. now my coffe maker stinks and my normal brand of coffee is tasting funky! : / can i use simple green if i run water threw it over and over again? again i dont have Vinegar or lemons. hmm
i can go buy some Vinegar i’m broke til friday sigh
not sure if this stuff was grown in china didnt ask that,he said he knew how much i love my coffee thats why he brought it back for me, : ] was a sweet thought but ewwwwwww lol
OK I’M WANTING COFFEE NOW! no money = i’m sh_ _! out of luck i guess lol
not i ran hot water threw it at least 15 times today washed all the parts in the dish washer and hand washed it! ewwwwww the smell and the tast it leaves stil remains. it’s beyond wake the dead coffee lol anybody want it? lol
i think this coffee ruined my make ilmao : [ i better tell santa hehe : ]
maker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
i dont have any clr : [ make me some coffee please! lol

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If there is no public disclosure of donations to the Clinton library, how can the American people be protected

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 6:14 pm
china law
The Question! asked:

against the blatant selling of quid pro quo favors by a President Hillary??

How many Marc Rich’s will there be this time around, if we can’t even see the donations flowing in?

How many drug dealers like James Timothy Maness will simply ignore the law and pay their levees to the Clinton family?

How about China & Loral’s sweetheart deal to exchange big money for secret military technology care of some special NSA work by Sandy Berger?

How many other gov’t policy deals will be sold at high cost as has been the Clinton modus operandi by these plain-as-day quid pro-quos?


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July 22, 2008

What can be done with a horse that is of no further use for its owner?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 3:09 am
china law
John B asked:

Idiotic California law says ‘cannot sell it for food’. Used to be at least good for pet food. Better than the poisoned pet food from China. They are too big to just bury. (What a waste of good protein). Too polluting and expensive to burn. Would some of these bleeding heart animal lovers like to take on the care and maintenance of these unwanted horses?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

July 20, 2008

What is your opinion on China killing the man resposible for the food/drug contamination?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:48 pm
china law
lady luck asked:

Here is the article. He was bribed into looking the other way and passing food and drugs that killed people. Do you think killing him was a good idea? Do you think America should have more laws like this? Do you think killing someone in general is unjustified?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

July 15, 2008

Should we help China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:35 am
china law
Nemesis asked:

I love China, its history may not be as vast as my own countries however its history is incredible. They had many beautiful clothings and buildings, and was so civilised at the time. I love its food too, however now China is having many problems with pollution, population and its unstable situation. China is suffering so badly with these problems its corrupted the government, I reckon countries currently powerful such as America and Britain should lend China a helping hand and should advise it and help it.

I think if countries did this for China, they could get back on track, reasonable laws on birth could be given and soon its population would be normal and suitable. I reckon if rich countries helped China with renewable energy and advised it on Nuclear instead of Coal that its smog would clear and I also reckon it would improve the government.

What do you think?
Sino, I do not mean to anger you. I just feel so strongly for the chinese, even the greatest of warriors must take help from the greatest of men.
I am from Britain, and how do I make you sick, because I want to help and have ideas on how I can, I am not a guy who sits in his sofa and just watches war commence, war that savages life and wrecks civilisation.
Yangmi, the British have been here since 6,000 BC. We arrived here more than 2,600 years ago.

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