China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

July 20, 2008

What is your opinion on China killing the man resposible for the food/drug contamination?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:48 pm
china law
lady luck asked:

Here is the article. He was bribed into looking the other way and passing food and drugs that killed people. Do you think killing him was a good idea? Do you think America should have more laws like this? Do you think killing someone in general is unjustified?

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June 23, 2007

Just how different is China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 2:27 pm
china law
LittleBiddyME asked:

I’ve always been interested in Asia and especially China. I want to start learning the language, visit the country and perhaps one day live there. But things i’ve read and watched scare me. The strict laws and punishments. So i wonder just how different is China to say the Uk where i live? How easy is life over there? With it being a communist state. I just get this sense or always having to look over my shoulder and watching what i do. I’m not sure why. I mean no disrepect to anyone. For instance i watched the movie broke down palace which is set in Thailand and how the girls got drugs planted in their bags and setenenced to 35 years. I know Thailand isn’t China. An the the movie maybe a little far-fetched. But it makes you think. How easy is it to have something like that done to do you for a crime that might be so serious in China living there as a foreigner you could potentially be an easy target.

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