China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

July 15, 2007

What is china’s government

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 12:12 pm
china law
Joe asked:

I know that China is Communist but is doesn’t seem that way at all. They are leaning more towards the west and Capitalism. I mean they even have McDonalds there…

They are also known as the Peoples Republic of China. But a Republic is a government thats rules with law. (A democracy is by the people, oligarchy — ruled by few, etc…etc…) But communism is different than a republic, so why do they call themselves a republic?

So, to slim this question down to the basics:

Why is China considered communist?
Why do they call themselves a republic?
What is China’s actual government?

Also, correct me if I was wrong in anything I said. I believe I have a good understanding on how to differentiate between types of government but I could always wrong.

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1 Comment »

  1. Capitalist is NOT a form of Government. It is an economic policy that can be used by ANY government.

    Communist state is an oxymoron, there is NO government in a communist society. Communism is something to be worked towards. The USSR was socialist (Union of Soviet SOCIALIST Republics). Communism is an anarchic-utopia.

    Democracy is NOT a form a government. It is how a government is chosen. A dictatorship is a form of government, where the three branches of government (executive, legislative, judicial) is held by one body/person. You can democratically elect a dictator.

    A “form of government” is how these three branches of government are structured and chosen.

    China is a unitary state. Chinas three branches of government, i’ll assume, are held by one political party. And I’ll also assume only members of the party can vote for who is in the government.

    All I know people elect representatives to exercise power for them, so China is a Republic. But I don’t know much about China.

    Comment by poolboyg88 — July 18, 2007 @ 2:32 am

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