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July 11, 2007

Mexicans want to bypass the immigrations laws. Is this fair to other races like Chinese, French, etc?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , — china @ 7:30 pm
chinese law
nr91326 asked:

Other races have to immigrate legally. Why do Mexicans think they are better then everyone else? Not all Mexicans, just the ones bitching about everything.

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  1. Actually the current immigration reform debates apply to ALL immigrants, not just Mexicans. And the protests do, too. There are PLENTY of illegal Chinese, Korean, Ethiopian, Somalian, etc immigrants. But the media and the current administration are manipulating the coverage so it looks like it is just a Mexican thing, which makes people much more likely to be prejudiced.

    Comment by patti_iis — July 15, 2007 @ 3:02 am

  2. Yes, are you races

    Comment by mexicano4life — July 18, 2007 @ 3:33 am

  3. it is not fair for all people who come legally and i have read the president of mexico wants to ask the Canadians to start welcoming the mexicans

    Comment by hayleylov — July 18, 2007 @ 3:43 am

  4. the big mistake with people like you,it is that think that all the latinos are mexicans,and you do not know a penny about immigration and political sciences.the first people bitching to the latino were the financial institutions that made loans to the latinos countries without to know if the people that made the loans were afford to pay(something that did not happen),so, the populations are paying such loans, through a lot of increments in the public services and more.guess who were the financial institutions and from.yes,now it is a little.

    Comment by ticoguana — July 18, 2007 @ 4:33 pm

  5. Yes it is completely fair.

    Mexico is on the border with the US, and they have closer relations than those countries.

    In Europe other Europeans have priorities over other nationalities, so what is the problem with Mexicans doing it in the US

    Comment by kraljicatabia — July 19, 2007 @ 7:38 pm

  6. A view from one of the other “races” (I think you mean nationalities, right?)

    Yes, in fact it is fair. Mexico has signed a free trade agreement with the USA and Canada. The other side of the coin is that Americans and Canadians should also be able to walk up to a GM plant in Mexico and be able to apply on equal basis for any job.

    Ticoguana brings up an interesting topic but doesn’t make some points very clear.
    Some posters say it’s not Americans fault that these countries are in the state they are, but the of their own people. That’s not ENTIRELY true and there several examples. In relation to the national debts of these countries and the American banking sector, in the 70’s and 80’s the basic interest rate used to ajust these floating interest rates was the prime rate. In theory, this is the rate banks would charge their triple A clients. So a L.A. country would borrow at prime + a spread. What these banks did is start lending money with negative spread to the AAA clients, thus, artificially raising prime rate. As you well know, prime rate is no longer used as a credible reference and was replaced by LIBOR, but this caused huge debt increases that jeopardize these countries chance of offering job opportunities locally.

    A much more serious action was in the wake of USAxUSSR cold war. American government replaced democratic governments with currupt dictators that would strongly favor American businesses, as in the banking example.

    As a matter of fact, that is the same policy that took place in the Middle East. There, it is literally blowing up on their faces. In the case of L.A., the bomb is demographic.

    Comment by Recreio Kid — July 21, 2007 @ 4:54 pm

  7. ILLEGAL ALIENS in America are here only because they are GUILTY of CRIMINAL VIOLATION of our FEDERAL LAWS, Jumping our borders and living in a shadowy underground economy. They are morally culpable for shoving aside those who adhere to the law and enter these United States in orderly and Legal Fashion.
    Since when do criminals and cheaters receive pride of place for the blessings of liberty, over those honestly, earnestly and faithfully seeking to become American citizens?

    President Bush has called for a reasonable and civil debate over the issues of border security and immigration reform. But the American people understand there can be no responsible immigration reform UNTIL OUR BORDERS ARE SECURE. “Guest worker” amnesty programs ARE NOT a part of border security.
    Amnesty is not the answer. To grant amnesty to these trespassers is to say “You crossed our borders ILLEGALLY, You BROKE OUR LAWS and now we are REWARDING you with U.S. Citizenship — Congratulations!”

    This is unacceptable.

    Comment by J D — July 23, 2007 @ 9:02 pm

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