China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

September 20, 2007

why is Yahoo! giving the Chinese gestapo the names of people who are communicating with other dissidents?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 10:42 pm
chinese law
guy with a new horse asked:

they keep saying they have to abide by local laws, but this is tantamount to aiding and abetting an enemy of free speech.
when you say freedom of speech cannot be the end-all for China, are you purporting to speak on behalf of those who are currently unable to speak their own minds? well, heck, with wise people like you around i guess we don’t need freedom of speech do we? or maybe you’re just a paid chinese troll. ha

DaCare Legal Recruitment

July 16, 2007

What do you think of Yahoo giving information to the Chinese government so?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:41 am
chinese law
Don asked:

that they could arrest people that violated China’s strict information laws? Yahoo is by far the most cooperative with the Chinese gov in finding Chinese disidetents who contact the outside world and explain the horrors within China. Do you think Yahoo should be punished for their cooperation with such a state that disregards international human rights laws?

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