China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

December 10, 2007

What is the legal basis for considering native Taiwanese persons to be ROC citizens?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 1:30 am
china law
Overseas E asked:

I notice that my friends from Taiwan carry passports of the Republic of China. However, my professor in international law studies said that there is no international legal basis to recognize native Taiwanese persons as Republic of China citizens. Is this true? What are the details?

According to what my professor said, the ROC military troops were entrusted with the authority for the military occupation of Taiwan after WWII, however there was never any transfer of sovereignty. Hence, technically speaking, the Taiwanese cannot be considered ROC citizens.

I am wondering if anyone can provide any further details. It seems like an exciting topic to me!

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