China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

May 27, 2008

How do you feel about the recent milk scare in China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 3:14 pm
china law
honeebee86 asked:

It made me wake up and realize I never thought about U.S. food companies having their products made in China. It makes me upset knowing that the quality and cleanliness is not held to the same standards it would be if it was made in the U.S. I feel our country is setting a high standard for companies that chose to produce in the U.S. because it is more healthy, yet they know products made in China are not held to that standard but because it is not made here, they turn their face the other way. To top it all off, have you ever tried looking to see where your food is made? Most of the time it is not listed. Usually it will just say something like “packaged” or “distributed” from somewhere in the U.S. but that doesn’t mean it was produced here. In fact, I bet when it says that, it is made in China. I know they just passed a law requiring companies to put where the product is made on the package but there are a lot of loop-holes. personally, I feel like the government is choosing to ignore my well-being because there not guilty of anything if the product is made elsewhere and they are taking away my freedom of choice by not requiring ALL product list where it is made.

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