China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

April 1, 2005

What would happen if China had to follow the same environmental and safety laws as the USA?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 2:53 pm
china law
Robbo_op_98 asked:

People keep saying how China’s economy is booming and growing at an expanatial rate. However if you research, China has very little in terms of health and safety laws that govern their businesses. My question is what would happen if China would have to enforce say laws like we have here in the USA. Example agencies would be OSHA and EPA.

When McDonalds opened in China years ago even they had to import the laws we follow here in the states for resturant ownership cause China’s laws were void in this area.

So my question is what would happen to China’s economy if it had to adopt health and safety laws like here in the states?

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