China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

September 25, 2005

China imprisons a social activist does anyone care?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:14 pm
china law
Ilustrado ni Rizal asked:

BEIJING: Chinese police on Friday stopped the wife of a blind activist who exposed government abuses of the one-child policy from going to the Philippines to receive the Magsaysay Award for her husband, colleagues said.

Yuan Weijing had been going to pick up the prize for her blind husband Chen Guangcheng, 35, imprisoned for unmasking abuses such as forced sterili­zations and women being made to have abortions eight months into term.

Yuan, Chen’s wife, has previously said that Chen had been severely beaten in prison. Human Rights Watch has called his case an example of the “significant deterioration” of rights in the country.

There is a one child policy in China but Communist Party officials and the rich often ignore the law themselves and avoid punishment by just paying fines.

CHINA is embarassing.

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