China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

September 10, 2006

The Chinese have the worlds fastest growing economy, correct?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 3:31 am
chinese law
in_moes_honest_opinion asked:

Here in Michigan we have a guy running for govenor who invested $200,000,000 building a factory in China. He said the factory only produces goods for China and that Chinese law requires you to produce the things in China that you sell there. So tell me dear neocons, why is it that the Bush administration pushes their “free trade” bs as being necessary to a vibrant economy here and stupid people believe it?
Leogirl, just where did I say Bush was responsible for the Chinese economy? All I pointed out was what they do and the fact that they have a extremely fast growing economy.

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