China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

September 16, 2007

Toys manufactured in China and other places that do not have comparable laws regulated products?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:16 pm
china law
Traveler asked:

A news program recently did a show about recalled toys. It showed American employees 20 something to fifty something years old and stated they earn $13 – $20/hr. This program then showed foreign workers, children and teenagers, making toys and it was stated they earn less than $1.00/hr.
1) When CAFTA was signed, how could the president not foresee problems with doing business with countries that have no labor laws or product laws comparable with our own?
2) Is anyone concerned (and taking action) about the children making these toys being exposed to the high levels of lead in the toys now being recalled?
3) Does anyone know how to check toys, made in China or elsewhere, for safety? I purchased Christmas gifts last winter for this Christmas and now I am afraid to use them as gifts.

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