China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

April 11, 2008

Is it time to boycott China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 8:15 am
china law
pep asked:

China has proven time and time again that this country does not have animal rights. They use dog and cat fur to trim jackets
, they skin animals alive after beating them with clubs or stomping on them, and now they used poison, melamine, as protein filler in our loved-ones food. 17 pets have died….and over 4,000 farm-raised animals have also passed. What will it take for this country to reform, make laws respecting animals, and show some humanity? I have already started my boycott. I will not buy anything made in China. The Olympics are coming up next year. I will also boycott watching them as they take place in China. This country, and it’s lack of legislation for animal protection, enfuriates me. What are your thoughts?
Rockhuller114, I don’t even live in the USA. Stop judging me!

DaCare Legal Recruitment

September 4, 2005

Why aren’t there any animal rights laws in China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 12:02 am
china law asked:

Other countries have laws that protect companion animals such as dogs and cats. Why do the chinese particpate in the torturous dog and cat fur trade, animal olympics, killing of 50,000 dogs very inhumanely beating them in the street etc. Please educate me why such tortures are practiced in china and other asian countries without any laws to protect our best friends! Thank you.
Wendy: I don’t eat pork any meat. I am a vegan. This is not a question regarding food. This is a question regarding chinese skinning animals alive and mass killing of 50,000 dogs-NOT FOOD QUESTION. Thank you.

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