China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

December 5, 2005

Lost Passport in China, Arrest warrant on file, what happens if I go to American Embassy?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:48 pm
china law
iwant12kids asked:

Not a federal arrest warrant (just state). Would they give me one of those passports that ONLY allow you to go back to America or would they arrest me on site and then fly me back to America?
(Unbeknownst to me I married a criminal Mexican and found proof that she married me only for green card and to steal my money, I found the proof of this but American Law “Statute of Limitations” prevented me from using this evidence. I refused to give her everything when she divorced me and asked for more than half (and they agreed) so I left for China to live in a more FAIR country. Now I somehow lost my passport. Now I am in big trouble. I am trying to become citizen of China)

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