China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

August 19, 2008

Has anyone had any experience with a Steel IUD being removed? Were there any complications?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 8:19 pm
china law
hgnotify asked:

My ladyfriend is Chinese. Due to the 1 child law in China she was given a Steel IUD ten years ago. She is a citizen of the US now and has had pain and wants to get it removed plus she hopes to have more children. She seems to believe that Amercian doctors are not familiar with the steel IUD removal specificially and she is concerned about risks to her reproductive organs if it is removed in the states. Has anyone had any experience with removal of this type of IUD (as opposed to standard U.S. Copper)? Is this a reasonable concern?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

August 10, 2008

Should we trade with China if it doesn’t enforce its human rights laws?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 4:02 am
china law
BigPappa asked:

Aren’t we are employing people in sweat shops?

Have you used Chinese today?
Sorry about the grammar problem.

Yes, I have used Chinese today. Can’t really help it…
Leogirl? Have you used Chinese today?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

August 9, 2008

Ancient China ?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 1:04 pm
china law
Lee asked:

what type of government did ancient china have?
who were leaders? what laws did they have?what kind of military did they have? how were they’re relations with other countries?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

August 8, 2008

Hillary supporters: How is it that you criticize Obama supporters for standing behind him?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 8:10 am
china law
doodiehead asked:

when the Clintons have had ten times the scandals?

Rose Law firm
Norman Hsu
Selling military secrets to China

Just to name a few

I’m not saying you should not support Hillary if you want…I just think you should look at the Clinton’s history before you criticize Obama supporters.

DaCare Legal Recruitment

August 6, 2008

Which multi-national companies fear locating their global R&D to countries with weak patent laws (e.g. China)?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:56 pm
china law
wubus asked:

I need specific company names, if at all possible.

DaCare Legal Recruitment

August 2, 2008

Bubonic Plague in CHINA?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 4:06 am
china law
lifecryme asked:

i know the kind of impact the Bubonic Plague had on China and the world. BUT what kind of impact did the Bubonic Plague have on the Chinese legal system or law. Did it have any impact at all? are there any sources anywhere?

If you can PLEASE provide a link that talks about Bubonic Plagues impact on Chinese law or legal system. Thank you All in advance.

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