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April 3, 2007

Why do Americans have bad impression on Chinese government?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 1:04 am
china law
coolbun2003 asked:

Why do I always hear negative stuff from Americans trying to criticise the Chinese government, when our country has been peaceful and developing at a very fast pace all these years, whereas the US is having wars and trouble everywhere?

I just don’t understand.
Why do they call us axis of evil, when the government is trying to develop good relationship with most countries now.

Why do they call us bad human right? when we didn’t have any invasion against other countries, and most citizens in mainland, China are happy with the laws and regulative system?

Why do they say we are a threat, when we don’t spend more than half of our budget like some country into our military expense? and when we haven’t invaded anyone all these years?

Why do they say communism is bad, when it is working very well in China, and the overall development of China is thriving under the communist system?

Why do they say communism never works, when any idealism can’t be 100% achieved, includin democ.

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  1. Same reason that gwy lo is used in Chinese.

    Comment by guru — April 4, 2007 @ 1:34 am

  2. could it be the reason because Chinese (PLA) had hacked the computer system of the Pentagon recently? and also in London (if am not mistaken).
    one more thing, the recent failure of the Chinese government to have a thorough inspection of products for imports (eg. imported toys from China; etc).
    I never heard US calling China as axis of evil, but I heard North Korea is one!

    Comment by ~o0o~ — April 5, 2007 @ 4:28 pm

  3. Maybe it’s because you live in the urbanized areas of China, so you don’t really see the poverty. Communism favours the rich and powerful, as seen from recent history. But I feel that all in all, it’s just a clash of 2 very different political systems.

    Comment by Legendary_Slacker — April 7, 2007 @ 4:20 am

  4. Because the American Government feels threathen by the Chinese. China is also a super power and it is acheiving milestone and all the while the Americans is playing big brother to many countries around the world and wants to stay that way, see ? In fact, it wants to be seen soon like a Don, a god father to other countries. All because of its greed to be known as the most powerful and is free to dictate whatever it wants.

    Comment by johan h — April 7, 2007 @ 6:24 pm

  5. Do you work for the Chinese goverment?
    You forget China’s invasion of Vietnam about fifteen years ago, not to mention the Korean war.
    China is one of the only countries with state-sponsored infanticide, execution of public officials, and numberless differences to free countries.
    Simply, I would be jailed for stating these obvious facts if I was a chinese citizen.

    Comment by Pelagius — April 8, 2007 @ 10:23 pm

  6. Self center and when happiness and contentment with same old way of thinking and doing without recognizing the fashion of war time thinking has been the lenses for thinking, then what need would there be to discuss the pattern and just part as agreeing to disagree.

    Comment by s7e7v7e7n7 — April 12, 2007 @ 5:00 am

  7. Tibet
    Fallon gong
    Tiananmen Square

    Comment by virgil — April 12, 2007 @ 8:10 pm

  8. It could be that most Americans have a poor impression of the Chinese government because they have a very bad impression of communism in general, (and Mao in particular,) and cross-cultural communication and understanding between the west and China is not always easy.

    However, you are wrong when you say that China was listed as one of the “Axis of Evil.” That was Iraq, Iran, and North Korea. Furthermore, you shouldn’t assume that George Bush actually speaks for American opinion.

    They accuse China of having a bad human rights record because it is true. They have limited freedom of the press, and many political prisoners, and a poor justice system. Go ahead, go down to Tiananmen square, on the anniversary of the rally, raise a banner and see how long it takes you to get arrested. That’s why.

    They say China’s military is a threat because it threatens to invade Taiwan every time it twitches. What is more, is that the Chinese government doesn’t have such a large army just because they think young men look nice in green clothes, it is because they can envision a situation where they might want to use them. So if a country has a big army, it is because they are thinking about doing something. And don’t bother saying it is for defence at this point, because nobody in their right mind would invade China right now.

    They say communism is bad because it isn’t working very well. That is why you currently have the “special economic zones” and have a “dual system” side-by-side capitalism and communism. Right now 70% of China’s GDP is in the private (capitalist) sector, and the incredible growth you speak of is occurring in the capitalist portion of the economy – the state-run portion still lags behind. So to say it is thriving under communist system is untrue.

    Finally, they might be spooked because Mao was so insensitive to his own people’s suffering, and so illogical in his actions. “The Great Leap Forward,” “The Cultural Revolution” were frightening times that led to millions of deaths, (70 million people, during peacetime) for no reason.

    The fact that this still isn’t discussed openly in China warns Americans that such things could still possibly be repeated.

    Comment by Juan G — April 15, 2007 @ 12:41 pm

  9. it can be your are a priviledged chinese person.
    comunism is horrible.people could not escape russia so easlily because it is huge and cold.but no a days and i have witnessed it: russian girls,very young go to be with a tourist for a lipstick.a hot meal.same thins in cuba.peolpe would rather die drowned rather than continue can not have gatherings,cell phones,the hospitals have no sheets,medications,laste year in december there was a shortage of lemons!!! and i´m talking about the hotel area.imagine for the inhabitants.people whith degrees rather waitress for a dollar than 5 monthly russia there are lines to buy basic things,when you can get them.a teacher makes 23 dollars there,when the government has money to pay….we all see happy chinese in tv,but that is just a commercial.a:smile or see what happens…same thing as in hungary when they filmed stores-maybe 15 years ago- full of things there and then they took that food to different stores,so people would think ALL stores had food!!!when the dictator cut gas off of houses and he lived in different mansions…so on and so forth.

    Comment by pexie — April 17, 2007 @ 5:03 am

  10. America hates all countries except for Israel which it just loves to butter up. America doesn’t like the competition. 2 billion people seems to be a pretty big threat.

    Comment by LinusVirus>:) — April 20, 2007 @ 2:08 pm

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