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July 18, 2006

What is your opinion of the chinese rule about the amount of children they can have?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 2:13 pm
chinese law
Wicked Witch of the Midwest asked:

i dont know who is right or wrong in this. while its not right to have a law in how many kids they have, its also understandable how over crowded they have become. i remember a teacher telling me how little baby girls would be murdered or given up for adoption cuz men wanted sons to carry on the name…thats when i found out about the law.

what do you think about it?

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  1. i don’t really like it how ppl cant choose how many children they have but Chinas so over crouded i have to agree

    Comment by Charlotte F — July 20, 2006 @ 2:54 pm

  2. I think its slightly different than what youre saying (i.e. girls being murdered – nowadays at least, but who knows…)

    Think about it politically. Your country is overpopulating, and there is a known food shortage, so population control is a given. Also, you have the largest standing army in the world. Would you prefer a nation of females? China doesnt seem to think so, and it wouldnt make rational sense if youre politically raising the men in your country to be soldiers for the communist state.

    Comment by schtiel12485 — July 23, 2006 @ 1:47 pm

  3. I think theres alot worse things going on over there than that.

    And whats with this about people reporting on the news “Many chinese lost their only child”….like as if that makes things worse cuz it was their only one. What would happen if they had 2? One would be more important than the other? “Oh its ok, we just lost xing but its ok because we still have xu, no biggie!”

    Ok you say they lose their only child, but its not a child, its a soul, a human being, a cant ever get that back no matter how many extra children you have after that. My point is that each child is the same. If you lose one child, its not like a dog…you dont just get another one and that makes things easier. Its not like having 2 dollars in your pocket and if you lose one, its ok, because you still have the other or can make more money….If you lose one child…even if you have 200 other children..The person with 200 children should feel the same as the person who lost their only child. Its almost like saying that having other children afterwards will erase or replace any memories of the child who was killed.

    Comment by Sawadee Krub — July 25, 2006 @ 7:21 pm

  4. what do I think about it ….

    from a practical sense… It makes a hell of a lot of sense..( limiting the number of children .. not the murder of baby girls.. INCIDENTLY this happens in India as well). Resources are Limited.. and the best way to make them last as long as possible is to control population growth ….

    FROM an emotional sense….. If you recall the earth quake recently in China… many families lost their only child.

    Comment by ll_jenny_ll — July 28, 2006 @ 4:32 pm

  5. I think the Chinese have the right idea, but the wrong approach. What we need to do is make every boy get a vasectomy upon reaching 12 years of age, and when he grows up if he wants to father children and has the financial means to support them, let him pay for the reversal procedure. Population problem solved, and nobody’s human rights get violated.

    Comment by Logic316 — July 30, 2006 @ 6:45 am

  6. It sucks, but as long as they aren’t selectively limiting children based on race or income or anything else it isn’t as much of an issue. But the minute they start limiting the reproduction of “undesirables” it becomes a much bigger issue.

    Comment by yay_boxes — August 2, 2006 @ 3:51 am

  7. logic? give every boy a vasectomy and noone’s rights are violated.
    Getting something done to you against your will is just that, a violation of rights.
    We are born with all rights. The gov’t takes them away.

    To answer the question, it sux!

    And why it is a big deal when a family loses it’s only child is after they have a child the parents are sterilized and it’s not always reversible. They don’t lose a child they lose their only child.

    Comment by joebob — August 2, 2006 @ 9:27 pm

  8. I just watched the HBO documentary “China’s Stolen Children”. Apparently, children are being kidnapped because of this “One Child Rule” in China. I originally thought that it was forbidden for couples to have a second child. After watching this documentary, I learned that couples can have a second child, but they must pay a fine. They also have to pay to have the first child.

    I have also heard about female fetuses being aborted because of the desire to have a male child to carry the family name. The documentary also touched upon the shortage of females because of this “One Child Rule”. It will be difficult to make babies without females. Duh.

    What do I think about this rule? I think it is having the desired effect – population control. I ask, “At what cost?”. Kidnapping, abortions, black market flesh traders, etc. This might sound harsh,but I think it might be best to eliminate this rule, let the population grow to whatever, and let nature run its course. Eventually, a balance will be achieved between what the country can support and the number of people. Perhaps the Chinese people will realize, “Hey, we can only support two kids. If we have another kid, we’ll starve. One of us needs to get ‘fixed’.”

    This was an interesting question.

    Comment by Rita G. — August 5, 2006 @ 7:56 am

  9. The US could improve with such a law. Think how much welfare money we would save – not to mention health care.

    I do think there should be an exception for couples whose one child dies or is killed – such as in the earthquake.

    In China, I believe that the sex of the child doesn’t matter – one child is one child.

    Comment by armychick_2001 — August 6, 2006 @ 11:06 pm

  10. its a horrible thing but understandable.

    people we have to remember that china isnt a democracy…what we consider “rights” they dont consider cause they are not a democracy. while its a horrible thing, we have to remember that its not like living here…if you think we are heavily over populated, well just go over there.

    Comment by just a girl. — August 8, 2006 @ 7:51 am

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