China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

July 3, 2006

I am writing my thesis on Chinese Immigration during Exclusion Era. How much of this is taught in High school?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:01 pm
chinese law
Soccer Taz asked:

I am just curious how much do people know about the cause and effect of the Chinese Exclusion Law of 1882. I find it a very interesting topic, but does anyone else?

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  1. no one cares.

    Comment by looloo — July 5, 2006 @ 12:16 am

  2. I also think this to be an interesting topic. Most people see 1800’s America as the Melting Pot that welcomed all people (give us your tired, poor, etc.) But, obviously that wasn’t the case because of the Chinese Exclusion act.
    I really don’t know much about this topic because in school, they tended to “downplay” the bad things that the U.S. has done. All my research for this topic(and things like the Japanese-American internment camps) has had to come from other sources besides school.

    Comment by rockergirl_lc04 — July 5, 2006 @ 5:27 am

  3. I find it to be a very interesting topic because I am studying it now in a college level (senior) course. If it’s taught in elementary or high school, it’s just a footnote. Also interesting from this time period is that the first laws controlling drugs in the US stemmed from fears of the Chinese in California smoking Opium – never mind the fact that it was the English and French who propogated the Opium Trade in China (reference the Opium Wars). The Chinese tried very hard to stop it.

    Comment by PDY — July 8, 2006 @ 1:21 pm

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