China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

November 9, 2006

If the intellectual copyright law is in effect as always, then why are they toothless against the Chinese?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 2:32 pm
chinese law
randomX1 asked:

or is it simply a reason of being afraid of. and to reason in favor, could merely be an excuse. or both???
I do believe that copyright law, was created to protect intellctual registered and patented products. however, due to corrupt attitude of those who were enforcing them, anyone now can copy or recreate anything without permission or agreement from the property owners, whoever they may be! markets all over the world, are flooded with cheap chinese made items. that eventually contribute to huge swelling of pollutive and toxic rubbish being dispose, as a result of poor quality products that are unreliable and rendered dangerous. but because most of these products are targetting the non quality concious masses who equally don’t care of the possible consequencies that may arised from these, only few and those who were selectedly restricted may know, the danger of the existing cheap products when our atmosphere will no longer able to support the balance of nature. then, it is time again to start pointing fingers…

DaCare Legal Recruitment

November 8, 2006

Why does the law( at least in the Philippines) prohibits the killing of dogs as food consumption?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 4:13 pm
chinese law
pingnavarro asked:

I personally dont eat dogs, but few Filipinos do specially the minority groups.Its kind of cultural but the law prohibits them. When the Muslims protested the raising/killing/eating of pigs, the lawmakers just ignored it. Same thing happened to the Hindus who protested the killing of Cows. Why does the law allows Chinese to kill and eat cats?

It is because most lawmakers are Christians? Even the Bible did not prohibit it.

What about in your country?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

November 3, 2006

What should i give my mother-in-law for Chinese New Year? (she’s Vietnamese)?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 8:16 pm
chinese law
Sara asked:

Help!!! I’m bringing fruits.. any suggestions on what else? What’s appropriate to give the kids in the chinese envelope? For a 10 yr old and 23 yr old… do i give the parents money too?? Help?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

Shouldn’t there be a law?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:14 am
china law
John W asked:

Of the many things made in China, who thinks it’s wrong to buy an American Flag made in China?!!
Shouldn’t there be a law against such a thing?
And what representative in their right mind would vote no on a bill that would contain this?

DaCare Legal Recruitment

November 1, 2006

What language should I take if I want to work federal law enforcement?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:10 am
chinese law
Kevin C asked:

I’m a freshman in college pursuing a career in federal law enforcement. I have to learn a language and can’t decide which one. I am Korean, however they do not offer a Korean course. I was thinking of Arabic, Chinese, or Japanese. Any thoughts?

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