China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

July 13, 2005

Why is everyone blaming our animosity to china on Tibet?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:43 pm
china law
Tiea H asked:

Personally I don 't care in this respect almost as much as I do with China' s other problems. There are still a communistic government, pollute the earth so much that there are rivers that do not even touch your permission and don 't get him started on "schools" of shops / sweat began to force children into just so may require a beautiful piece of gold on a tape. Tibet is just one of the mole hill compared to that. It 'given; s Male yet enough. Lets not forget the great fear of toy where the person responsible; suicide "committed, above and I 'm the not sure if this law is still in effect but there was a law that allows only one child per family that 's why there are so many of the Chinese girl to be taken.

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  1. De vrees voor onbekend is wat de vijandigheid veroorzaakt. Aan het unknowing, is Tibet " over there" , als " China is over there" , het zo al " over there" s krijgt de terugslag van hun haat.
    Het is zulk een schande! !

    Comment by Theresa V — July 16, 2005 @ 10:43 pm

  2. I don’t blame all my animosity towards China on Tibet. There are many things that China has done and is doing that I cannot stand. Atrocities such as the ones you mentioned above. For a nation that believes in “respect”, how can they condone tossing out baby girls? If you are only allowed one child, you should be happy with what you get. Don’t get all bent out of shape if you don’t have a boy. Big deal. I heard that since the earthquake where so many lives were lost, they suspended that one child rule for awhile. More baby girls to toss out for the rest of the world to adopt. At least these people see the babies for what they are – a blessing.

    They also rape the natural world and think nothing of it. Shame. I guess their idea of respect is a whole lot different than mine

    Comment by lilith663 — July 19, 2005 @ 6:18 am

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