China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

April 1, 2005

Gender discrimination laws in China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 2:07 am
china law
lilme asked:

In order to do my research paper on the gendercide in China, I must first describe the laws that prohibitted(s) the eccessive birth of girls.

PLEASE cite your answers. Please give a website backing up your findings. No wikipedia, no (.com). I’m trying to do my work. But this was my last resort for this section.

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  1. Actually there is no law against having girls. The parents just want boys to carry the family name since they are only allowed one child.

    Comment by Lisa — April 1, 2005 @ 11:25 am

  2. Hope this may answer your question or, shed light on the issue you just raised:

    First, the current anti-China and anti-Chinese campaign runs parallel with US and UK’s world I, II and Cold War propaganda. That propaganda for involving America in the bloodshed and hatreds of Europe–in World War I, World War II and the Cold War, was the same as that now being used to push and prepare the US public into a not distant war with China. To do that US has to rouse the public’s hatred and racial contempt for anything of China and of the Chinese.

    Second, the US and the UK have been suffering a bad image since the start of Iraq War. Their image is in a fast decline, especially in Europe. For Bush, landing on any of the Western European lands would trigger off a protest storm. Furthermore, this year is 5th anniversary of Iraqi Invasion. Therefore, to keep Bush from visiting West Europe is a top priority in order to keep the world away from Iraq. This explains as to why McCain traveled to Western Europe on Bush behalf—-a precedent for a US president-nominee-to-be to campaign abroad. It also explains well as to why that Gordon Brown has visited US twice within a very short time.

    Comment by Checks B — April 3, 2005 @ 7:17 pm

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