China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

February 3, 2005

What happens if you have a second child in China?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 9:57 am
china law
LienaLo asked:

I was wondering this because I believe they have a law whereby each family is only allowed to have one child? So what happens if a woman accidentally becomes pregnant with a second child? Please cite your source!

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  1. you give it up for adoption i assume…

    Comment by 500% Anti-Jonas. — February 5, 2005 @ 5:37 pm

  2. If I remeber correctly, you have to pay a fine/fee for a second child.

    Comment by Geri G — February 5, 2005 @ 6:27 pm

  3. Not much. There is a “fine” or a fee assessed on you. People don’t understand this at all. My fiance grew up in China and moved to the U.S. after University, to get her Masters Degrees (2) in Engineering. She was one of the first in the new freedom to get into universities after the cultural revolution in 1979. She is the oldest of two girls in her family. Her parents are both Doctors, so they paid the fee. Her mother is one of five children!

    But, for those who cannot pay the fee, or afford to raise more than one child, in the past they would either have an abortion, give up the baby for adoption, or just do nothing — keep the baby, and ignore the fine. If you have no money, they can’t force you to pay the fine!

    Comment by hazeltine4 — February 7, 2005 @ 2:57 pm

  4. you have to pay a big fine if you have a child without a permit, it is equivalent to about 5 yrs pay. If you have a child before getting the permit, most of the children are given up for adoption. If you have a second child you give them up for adoption or of course to be sold on the black market. Boy’s are very valuable. That is why there are so many girls adopted from China, no one wants them.

    Comment by mischa — February 9, 2005 @ 11:25 pm

  5. They may have a similar system to Singapore which was explained to us when we visited a few years ago, and a couple were allowed to have 2 children (after they had married at 25 – marriage not allowed before that age and it was a matter of pride that a couple were virgins on their wedding day)
    That Singaporean Government guaranteed that the State would be responsible for social and medical care for the two “legitimate” children, so the kids could go to school and receive free education, docs and medication provided.
    Should a couple be so irresponsible as to have a third illegal child, they were completely on their own with having to pick up all the costs for raising that child.

    Comment by Veronica Alicia — February 12, 2005 @ 9:54 am

  6. Hi,
    in all Chinese provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, except for Henan Province, couples in which both parents are only children can themselves give birth to two children.
    China’s national family planning policy — implemented in 1979 — allows rural families to raise two children but only one child in urban areas.
    The policy allowed China to reduce the speed of population growth, delaying by four years the 1.3 billion figure reached at the beginning of 2005.
    However many local governments have loosened the policy by allowing urban couples who were both only children to raise a second child.
    But Henan Province, the most populated province with more than 97 million residents, has cleaved to the original policy.
    China’s rural regions have comparatively less public resources than cities and many farmers rely on their children to provide for them in their old age.
    China faces a range of social problems partly caused by its huge population — employment pressures, housing and resource shortages to name just a few. And its 1.3 billion population is unevenly distributed in the 31 provinces, regions and municipalities.
    A family planning policy can only reduce the number of births, it can’t solve all these problems.
    hope ,helps you

    Comment by Çetin — February 15, 2005 @ 6:21 pm

  7. I just came home from China and this question came up a lot. Like the others said you will get demoted in certain jobs, lose money, have to pay fines etc…However if there are two doctors or teachers married they may have more then one child and no penalty. For everything in china a person gets a license The more important you are in their society the more you have. Depending on the number you are allowed more then one child.

    Comment by backtonormal — February 18, 2005 @ 8:50 am

  8. You a fine.In some province is not as much as a big deal compared to some.In the rural areas people have many childrens because the authority have less control in rural China.A fine is all.many people are getting a second Child because the economic boom made people rich enough to pay the fine.

    Comment by go china — February 21, 2005 @ 2:31 am

  9. It’s normally just a fine, the amount is decided on a case to case basis.
    My friends tell me usually it’s just a few hundred dollars. Though it’s been know to be very high from time to time.

    In smaller cities often nothing ever happens.
    It all depends on where you are and how much money you have, it’s not a clear cut science.

    I have plenty of friends here (here is China) with a brother or sister, it’s not as uncommon as you’d think.

    Comment by Matty . Asia — February 22, 2005 @ 8:49 pm

  10. some fine…

    alot people are having 2 children now.

    Comment by dwww — February 25, 2005 @ 3:38 am

  11. You get a fine

    Comment by ^_^ — February 28, 2005 @ 12:25 am

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