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January 6, 2005

When will the house and senate repeal the law of supply and demand?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 7:14 am
china law
J. Galt asked:

And when deseil prices get so high it puts american farmers out of business (I know one farmer spending 18K a week on fuel) will we have to buy all our food from china?

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  1. Drill here, drill now.

    The don’t drill Demorats don’t care how much you spend for gas.

    Comment by obammy O — January 7, 2005 @ 7:00 pm

  2. when they adopt socialism.

    Comment by IndianaJohn — January 7, 2005 @ 10:50 pm

  3. hmm, repeal the law of supply and demand. Let me guess who you’re supporting for President.

    Comment by Bill H — January 8, 2005 @ 4:19 am

  4. I think our elected government officials wouldn’t mind if middle class & poor had to get food from China. Let’s get them out NOW!!!!!!!!!

    Comment by GH — January 8, 2005 @ 10:20 pm

  5. Yeah while theyre at it they can repeal the law of gravity.

    Comment by Theodore Sebastian — January 11, 2005 @ 12:40 am

  6. Yes. Right after they repeal the law of gravity.

    Comment by PROVE it you lying coward! — January 12, 2005 @ 6:58 pm

  7. You can’t repeal a “law” if it’s not created by Congress. The only reason it’s a law is because it’s how we the people do business.

    Comment by Lisa M — January 13, 2005 @ 2:23 pm

  8. Actually Bush did and now we have speculators doing what they please…

    Comment by Chupate esa! — January 17, 2005 @ 1:39 am

  9. Um, sorry but the can’t it’s a scientific law and not a national law. It is just how things are. Too bad the government can’t figure out that it’s better not to interfere than to interfere. Then we wouldn’t have inflation.

    Don’t worry about the American Farmer. The government steps in and pays them not to grow food it will step in and pay them to drive their atvs around and ride horses.

    Comment by Renaissance Man MG — January 20, 2005 @ 10:37 am

  10. Well, in a real sense, they have repealed the Law of Supply and Demand and replaced it with Ron Reagan’s “(D ope) Supply Side Economics”.

    This lead down the steep decent into madness of ten trillion in Federal Debt and trillions in trade debt, with the Patent Law Revocation Act (otherwise more popularly known as dad laws).

    The Dad Laws pretend to “deal harshly” with fathers who are lazy; but instead set us all up to loose all of our civil rights as the Ronald Wilson Reagan “Tolerance for Commander Zero’s d ope sales ” Laws bury us in cheap cocaine and now heroin ~ brought in by US servicemen at public expense (this is otherwise more popularly known as “Zero Tolerance”, a clever bit of word play that permits a “popular” leader to both please “normal persons” as well as the new swing vote ~ d ope addicts ~ who after the invention of the secret ballot ending digital camera could be relied on to sell every vote for d ope, a tactic which for the first time was used to put Ronald Wilson Reagan into office as our first real conserfative “leader” since JFK proved they were jailing people without trial and working them to death in 1960 even though he was promising to call all Americans Tax Kleptomaniacs) .

    But to get back to patent law (from which the USA used to derive 75% of our economy), dad laws make inventors the new and ever more popular “slave” to be sold at will to foreign governments at the will of the lowest ranking judge of all in terms of morals the Family Court Judge.

    In fact, never before in human history has a nation so thouroghly s crewed itself into finanial and extranational legal suicide mode. Because, it just so happens that Japan is as we speak designing and building general purpose robots to keep us from being able to build those designs they have patented. And when they are done, we’re done, in terms of real world compedative edge.

    I mean who can compete with a self replicating machine that runs on sun light? Seriously? And what manner of hokum will we use to explain robots are our own idea, when anyone who wants to build anything is axed by the Japanese industrial spies with d ate r ape d rugs and our own family courts? And then, Whoa Doggy done did it doggy style, our courts take our patent rights away and give it to them, “for the good of children” (who apparently, according to our courts would be better off slaves to Japanese built general purpose robots ~ rather than sitting pretty living off daddies patent rights ~ a form of forfiet license)?

    Thank God Ron was on our side, and GWB, our heroic servant of the people could see through all the obvious pitfalls of sanity, to keep our honors true to “Pre-Soft Money” interpretations of Our Glorious Constitution! Why otherwise we wouldn’t need to borrow money to send the kids to school. We could tax and spend, rather than borrow and be not quite miserly enough.

    Thank God we believe in hard work, because as John Henrey found out, beating that steam drill is a hard row to h oe (or is that w hore ~ domb?) And a modern sunlight drive universal robot would be a hard steam drill to stare down (and we’d better stop it via a staring contest too because God knows we ain’t all ~ or any ~ that fast or strong what with the Burger and Potatoe diet we swill down with our beer!!! Not that if we were all Arnold SwartzenGoverner we’d do any better!!!)

    Comment by Wade H — January 21, 2005 @ 8:36 am

  11. How about … ENABLE the law of supply and demand? In spite of every evidence presented to Congress of price manipulation via large scale oil speculation in unregulated markets, they have done nothing, zero. Instead the big oil boys again roll out the profit motive disguised as a solution, and dangle it in front of the nation like that is going to bring any immediate relief.

    I am so tired of hearing DRILL DRILL DRILL, like that is going to have any effect at all on prices at the pump next month, or even a year from now. On the other hand, removing the speculation leeches would have an *immediate* effect on gas and diesel prices.

    Like, lower by 33% within a week.

    Here’s an “inconvenient truth” for ya: the NYMEX price of a barrel of oil is double what it should be if actual supply and demand were in play. I’ll say it again,.DOUBLE. Two hundred per cent.

    Don’t take my word for it, go to the link below and read the testimonies, given before the Senate Commerce Committee on June 3 2008. Then try and talk with a straight face about supply and demand, and the “pressing need” for more drilling.

    Energy Market Manipulation and Federal Enforcement Regimes

    Comment by Shard F — January 23, 2005 @ 10:14 pm

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