China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

June 7, 2004

China’s “One Child” rule? or Law? And are you fined if you have 2 or maybe 3 children? ?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , — china @ 10:35 pm

I’m better than you asked:

How common is it for Chinese families to have more than one, even though that is in effect?

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  1. It' s eigenlijk gemeenschappelijker zou dan u kunnen verwachten. De tweelingen worden toegestaan, natuurlijk. Ook, laten doorgaan vele ouders andere kinderen voor kinderen van vorige huwelijken, wat ook wordt toegestaan. Met andere woorden, zijn er vele manieren rond de wet.

    Comment by CheshireCat — June 8, 2004 @ 6:12 am

  2. De Chinese families op plattelandsgebieden mogen twee jonge geitjes hebben. Indien een familie in de stad meer dan één heeft, dat het tweede kind geen voordelen van de Staat zal ontvangen en zij zullen het equivalent van $40.000 worden gezuiverd.

    Comment by spam juice — June 10, 2004 @ 5:28 am

  3. Porque el pueblo chino prefiere tener hijos… es bastante común… y la multa no es realmente que mucho.

    Comment by Lucy — June 10, 2004 @ 2:24 pm

  4. First, you have to understand the law, which is more complicated than the term “One Child” makes it seem.

    The One Child policy does not apply to ethnic minority groups (who, together, make up 10% of the population) but only to the Han majority (the other 90% of the population). For those that it does apply to, if the first child is a female, or handicapped, they can often get a permit to have a second child. If both parents are an only child, they are allowed to have two children themselves.

    Did you know that not only is there the so called “One Child” policy, but in China you must have a permit to have a child? Men and women must be of a certain age to marry, and only married couples may obtain a permit. You are then given a time frame in which to have a child. If you do not have a child in that time frame, you have to start the process over. Without a permit, children essentially do not exist-they do not have a number needed for healthcare, education, employment

    Having a second child, or even a first child without permit, is punishable by fines. In the past, and debatebly still occuring, there have been instances of people losing jobs (almost all jobs are government), having homes torn down (you lease your home, you do not own), and being forcibly sterilized. In the past, and again debately still occuring, forced abortions or infant genocide has occured. In fact, within the past few months people in one province protested against this practice.

    Right now, though, it is becoming a status symbol of sorts to have daughters or more than one child-it symbolizes your ability to afford the fines (which can equal a year’s salary).

    Because of the Chinese culture, boys have been preferred until recently. When a female marries, she essentially marries out of the family-it is the male that takes care of the parents when they age. (Chinese are also much more dedicated to family than we-as a whole- are). Now, though, China is recognizign that this policy is causing a dangerous gap in the ratio of men: women and crimes related to that are on the rise-rape, kidnapping, prostitution. They have recently announced that they are considering changes to the policy.

    Right now, there are actually rewards in place for those that choose to have a girl child (as there are incentives for following the rules and only having one child, and being permitted to have one). It is a step in the right direction.

    There are thousands of orphanages in China, filled with children-mostly girls or handicapped boys. Thankfully, domestic adoption is on the rise. Many find homes in USA, Australia, Great Britain, etc. Still many more wait.

    I hope that one of the things that the Olympic brings is change for China. They have been taking steps in the right direction.

    Comment by BraxOwl — June 10, 2004 @ 7:05 pm

  5. Een kind in de meeste steden en je hoeft een boete krijgen als u meer dan een, maar ik denk niet dat het onmogelijk duur, maar de ouders op de reputatie van mei worden verkwanseld een beetje. Op het platteland, mensen hebben vaak meer dan een, hopend op meer zonen. Nu denk ik als beide mensen zijn enig kind dan kunnen ze hebben 2.

    Comment by Daydream_Angel — June 13, 2004 @ 10:45 pm

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