By: InuYasha chic
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By: InuYasha chic
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k… I work as an engineer in Canada for a company in China. they sent me a contract and one of the restrictions states that after they terminate my emloyment, I cannot work for another company that is wholly or partially in competition with the company. Is that valid in law? and do i follow the law of China or Canada regarding this contract?
Are there any compulsory vaccination laws in regards to visiting or moving to china? What are the pedriatric vaccination laws in China?
Immer hören, der Drei-Schluchten-Damn? Das größte Verbrechen eines Landes immer gegen sich selbst? Wussten Sie, dass der Nähe von 20000 CHINESE DIE IN Unglücke im Bergbau und JEDES JAHR? Wissen Sie, welchen Bedingungen die meisten chinesischen tatsächlich leben in? Sie wissen, dass es militärische Tech ist 20 Jahre hinter uns, oder? Sie wissen, dass sie keine Rechte der Arbeitnehmer, dass die chinesische Regierung Opfer seiner eigenen Leute für den Fortschritt? Und wie lange glauben Sie, wird der Boom anhalten? Wird sie trotzen alle Gesetze der Ökonomie und der Boom ewig?
I need the info for an upcoming speech. The reason I’m interested in these countries are that they are the only ones on the planet with a law that bans flag burning in their country. I’ve had awful trouble finding the actual penalty for descration. If you have any info, it would be much appreciated!
Twins, or even triplets, quadruplets, or other multiple babies at birth, what will happen with the one child per family law?
I recently saw a news piece about making it law that we dont import US flags that are “made in china”, I agree
But then I noticed how many “products” that I have that are “made in china”, I understand lower labor costs make big profits etc. But my “Officially Licensed” Sports Attire. I remember when we took pride in Ford being American, now it too has fallen victim to the “foreign labor is cheaper blues”
What I’m confused about is that we seem to be “trading” profusely with countries that historically hates us, can anyone explain? Boycott or pressure our Lawmakers?
I inherited a bunch of great stuff from my mother-in-law but so much of it is stained. Would love to be able to use it but it really needs a touch up first. Any ideas? Have tried just washing it but that’s not enough.
Like in China they have a 1 kid Policy.
However we all live on the same planet and have excceded the 5 Billion mark (are over 6 billion) which the United Nations have said is a maximum sustainable level.
its not even about food, its about space, housing, consumption of NON-Renuwable resources, and Pollution (air and other pollution)
Also what about people who have kids on welfare, shouldnt there be laws that if you cannot afford to have kids you shouldnt be allowed to have them?
Looking for Input by intelligent people, having too many kids is being SELFISH. (its even selfish against your own kids since every birth makes life harder on those already born and in 20 years will be a real problem when all todays born kids start looking for houseing/jobs/clean air)
haveing LOTS of kids is SELFISH becuase you are only thinking of yourself wanting kids – NOT of the rest of the world and the impact of those extra people.
People are NOT dying as fast as they used to, people are living longer, if this were not true our population would be leveling instead of growing.
What about welfare people who cannot afford their own kids?
Thanks to the heavy cost of U.S. tax, regulatory, and environmental policies, and tort laws, that have driven up the cost of domestic production (along with trade policies that favor the movement of U.S. manufacturers to China), the evil communist regime in Beijing now has hundreds of billions of dollars in cash to invest in Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Middle East (not to mention buying up plenty of key assets in the United States).
In order to continue its meteoric growth rate and advance its global political-military strategy, China is acquiring access to, and control of, much of the Third World mineral wealth, fishery wealth and sea lanes.
They have plans of driving US forces out of Africa through the use of both conventional and unconventional warfare. In order to fully control all of the African continent’s supply and rule the planet.
What can we do to stop their evil plans?
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