My parents-in-law are planning on bringing over some edible bird’s nest when they visit us from China next week. Does it need to be declared to U.S. Customs and is it a banned item since it technically comes from an animal? I don’t want the US Customs to confiscate it because it’s expensive stuff.
December 12, 2007
October 21, 2007
Is there a Chinese governmental policy about childreen still?
I remember hearing that China only allowed one child to a family…is this really a law in effect in China?
August 30, 2007
Can I adopt a child, domestically or internationally, in the US if I have green card and not yet citizenship?
I am Italian living in America and me and my husband would like to adopt a child from China or even domestically. Someone knows the law? Thank you very much!
August 10, 2007
Drinking age law in other countries?
In what countries can you drink at 18 or under 18?
At what age can you drink in:
-United Kingdom
Whoever can answer all my questions correctly will get 10 points.
July 22, 2007
How can I teach English in another country?
Im thinking about taking a year off before I apply to law school so I can see a little culture before spending the rest of my life with my nose in the books.
How can I teach English in a foriegn country for preferably one year while making enough to support myself.
I dont speak any other languages, will this prevent me from doing this? I heard of Americans going to China without speaking abit of Chinese and teaching over there.
April 29, 2007
Applying for and interviewing for a job at a rival company while you still have a job?
I work for a law firm right now, and applied for another job at a different law firm (for the same job). The other law firm is larger and has a few offices all over the USA and a couple offices in China. The law firm that I work for now has only one office, and not much room for me to advance (I am currently a file clerk). Anyway, I received a call wanting me to come and interview for the job and I *KNOW* that they are going to ask me why I want to leave the firm I am at now, even though I’ve been here for almost 5 years. How do I best answer this question, without them thinking I’m a “law firm hopper” or something like that? Also, they can keep my job inquiry confidential from my current company, correct?
I applied for the same job at this other law firm because it is bigger, has more offices, and looks to be a better fit for me because there are many opportunities for advancement. Should I tell them that? Or…?
December 21, 2006
Chinese Birth Law?
How come in China you have to have a permit to have a baby? Why can’t you have as many kids as you want? I know there are over a billion people there, and it gets crowded. But I’m pretty sure that there is a lot of open land that they could build no cities in! My mom was watching a show about a woman who gave birth to a beautiful baby girl, but she has to give her up, and it makes me want to cry. So, why?
December 5, 2006
How many chinese are executed each year?
How many chinese prisoners are executed each year? What are the chinese being sentenced to death for? Is there a law that criminalizes American citizens who get livers and kidneys from China?
September 8, 2006
Should the UK or America introduce laws to limit the number of children you can have?
The Earth can only sustain a finite number of people.
Should the major Western countries introduce laws as in China to limit the number of children a couple can have?
I am not asking just because a country may be running out of space, but that we may run out of resources.
Don’t worry I’m not some crazy environmentalist, just concerned about the amount of fuel we have left.
July 5, 2006
what is the antidumping law?
i am doing a project on candles and saw an article about china importing cheaper candles at lower price and the antidumping law slapped them with a 108% tax