my father in law is interested in buying a 2007 HHR…and has put me on a search to find out where these parts are made because he does not want an engine made in china and he does not want a transmition made in india…
February 27, 2006
where are the 2007 chevy HHR engines made. china? and where is the transmition made? india?
February 21, 2006
China meant to poison their own pet food supply, but accidentally poisoned ours?
They will not report it, but I believe the rabbit hole is deeper than told!
Did you see that in China anyone with large dogs had to get rid of them or they would be collected and killed. It is due to a rabies scare. Only small dogs were aloud to be kept. I don’t think everyone was following the law and they were hiding their pets. I think this poison pet food was their next step to insure reduced pet populations. With their one child policy and discarding of young female fetus’s, would you really count it out?
I think this had something to do with that. Only they didn’t expect it to effect America pet food supplies. I think they meant for those foods to be distributed exclusively in China but someone messed up and put it into the U.S. supplies.
It is just to coincidental. A month ago the Chinese are patrolling the streets for loose pets and forcing people to turn in their neighbors if they saw large dogs. Now all of a sudden there is a link to poisoned pet food.
February 18, 2006
Will China ever let go of it’s Airsoft Ban?
Airsoft has been made illegal in China, and I don’t get why, first of all, a lot of Airsoft gun’s are made in China, second of all, the Chinese government turns a blind eye to the matter, therefore, a lot of people manage to buy airsoft guns, and is pretty much the same thing if they didn’t have the law but the airsoft guns in China are all just crappy plastic, and third of all, I REALLY LOVE AIRSOFT! :'(
February 17, 2006
How did Liu Bang have an impact on global history?
I know that he got rid of harsh laws in China after setting up the Han Dynasty and that he stabalized the Chinese society, but how did he affect global history?
February 16, 2006
Does China have any animal welfare laws?
If they don’t, why? I thought they were a very intelligent group of people. All those dogs being viciously murdered- doesn’t make them any better than the barbarians they used to be before being colonized by the other countries. They have made no progress, mentally, in my opinion. They still need to evolve from the half-man/half-monkey state of mind.
It IRRITATES me that these people are so cruel. Sure, there are many people dying from rabies, but could it be from something other than the dogs? Come on, they consider themselves quite intelligent, can’t they behave a little more human like???
If anyone is interested in ending such brutality, please sign the following petition
It was sent to me by the North Shore Animal League. We have to become the voice of these helpless and harmless creatures!!!
February 14, 2006
this is a question about business law title minor?
Sam is a minor, entered into a store. He used a stolen ID and misrepsented his age. First he bought a TV set which he later sold to Cindy at half the price. Secondly he bought a rice cooker because the one he had was too old. Thirdly he bought a fridge which was made in China. The minor sold it to a second hand fridge shop. Finally, the minor was handing an oven. The seller started him and as a result the minor dropped the oven damaging it.
Advise the seller.