China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

October 11, 2008

What is china’s government

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 10:55 am
china law
Joe asked:

I know that China is Communist but is doesn’t seem that way at all. They are leaning more towards the west and Capitalism. I mean they even have McDonalds there…

They are also known as the Peoples Republic of China. But a Republic is a government thats rules with law. (A democracy is by the people, oligarchy — ruled by few, etc…etc…) But communism is different than a republic, so why do they call themselves a republic?

So, to slim this question down to the basics:

Why is China considered communist?
Why do they call themselves a republic?
What is China’s actual government?

Also, correct me if I was wrong in anything I said. I believe I have a good understanding on how to differentiate between types of government but I could always wrong.

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