China Law Answers Answers to the legal questions related to china

December 1, 2005

Why are US Homeowners Soon To Be Evicted By Chinese Police Under New Law?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 5:00 am
china law
7 Dayz til 1 America Prez Obama asked:

China had before ordered its banks to stop all granting of credit at the United States, an action, which völlig Krà ¼ ppel the American bank system, and as we read können as from Reuters the news service: & quot; Chinese Regulierungsbehörden has said inländischen banks to stop interbankers’ loans to US financial establishments to prevent that während, the South China Morning post office reported mögliche losses to the financial crisis on Thursday. Hong Kong newspaper industry quotes not identified sources as mentioned that the instruction of China banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) fà ¼ r Interbank Kreditgeschäfte from all Währungen to US banks, but not to banks from other Ländern. & quot; The decree to be seems to establish Peking the first attempt to defense against the recess of the US financial core melt-through to the mainland the most important creditor reports to billions of dollar in the exposition gegenà ¼ more ber the credit Krise& quot; , the SCMP said. & quot; did not understand, by which American people is that China is the owner of more than $ 1.4 trillion US debts by the mortgages on the Häuser and property of zig millions of these humans, who essentially know makes Chinese the one gröà Ÿ ten owners of Grundstà ¼ cken in the United States, and those the Chinese government has erklärt, it schà ¼ tzen & quot; at any price & quot;. in the rapid reaction to of China required that they are gewährt, direct entrance to their American characteristics to the protection of their & quot; Investitionen& quot; , the United States is verfà ¼ genden a new law the title of the emergency restaurant stabilization document of 2008, and in section 101, paragraph 7: 3 chillingly heià Ÿ t it: & quot; Designating financial establishments as financial assigned ones of the Federal Government, and everything takes such institutions these tasks regarding this law as financial agents of the Federal Government, to be required appropriately können.& quot; the United States federal reserve has further designated China development bank, zweitgröà Ÿ the Te bank in Asia and the most important owners from US mortgage debt title that they become of US Secretary OF Treasury the new law, and become those, ergewöhnliche as one of the financial establishments by these auà Ÿ, after these reports, ermächtigen Chinese police Behörden the right, as the Strafverfolgungsbehörden in the United States einschlieà Ÿ lich the Gewährung of them the right to driving American Bà out ¼ from Häusern, their mortgage debts are more rger in the possession of China. Unfortunately fà ¼ r this American people, their own officials have völlig given up it as the American centers for Responsive Politics reported that the progressive rate in Höhe was paid to global financial crisis the US legislator, the two political parties by $ 2 billion by the Täter this to sell their compatriots as virtual economical slaves on the all strong international enterprise trusts, those now rule à ¼ more ber them. it understands itself automatically, natà ¼ rlich that these Americans do not see itself in this most truest of lights, like them continue to live their life into the Nähe disasters ere of altogether unawareness gröà Ÿ fast to them happened, that are all, which have it, and to become further, warned. But to never realize they further to laugh switch off, and with Fà ¼ à Ÿ EN step, these warnings, there them further to the acceptance, the Là ¼ towards gefà ¼ ttert them by their propaganda media of organs seem them are nothing else as the Mundstà ¼ cke fà ¼ r the corpus-Te-fascist troops and shift them not in the Schlachthöfen them to come will know, all too soon. %

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  1. It's urzędowych. Jesteśmy Chin b ****.

    Comment by I'm surrounded by idiots — December 4, 2005 @ 4:56 pm

  2. Oni nie. Nice rant, tho.

    Comment by Trustee — December 7, 2005 @ 6:46 am

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