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June 20, 2005

Nixon pushed for passing of a law that required employers give health care coverage to all employees?

Filed under: China Law — Tags: , , — china @ 6:37 pm
china law
billy d asked:

Do you republicans think one of your own is a socialist now? He also declared detente with the soviets, established relations with the people’s republic of china, and brought the war in vietnam to an end…a soviet agent in disguise maybe?

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  1. The GOP will always spew rhetoric to serve their aims. Don’t confuse them with truth, facts, or logic. It messes up their heads.

    The true patriot is an informed voter.

    Comment by An Informed Voter! — June 23, 2005 @ 12:45 pm

  2. don’t forget wage and price freezes
    Nixon was the most communist president we have ever had.
    and after 2 terms with Obama, HE STILL WILL BE

    Comment by Surak — June 25, 2005 @ 3:24 am

  3. I don’t know if that’s true, but since he’s dead what possible difference does it make?

    And George Bush is, in large measure, a socialist.

    Comment by Chris H — June 27, 2005 @ 4:02 pm

  4. Well……Nixon is dead. Obama isn’t. From Obama’s own words…..

    Biden’s comments all make sense now.

    How’s your vote look?

    Comment by 0 Tolerence — June 30, 2005 @ 12:48 am

  5. McCain is just as Socialist as Obama. McCain signed for the bailout.
    McCain also supports taxing rich people more:

    I guess the old man had another “senior moment” and forgot he said that.

    Oops. Still doesnt matter to you McCain people, I suppose. Make your excuses. The man is full of it. FULL OF IT.

    Comment by A.J. — July 1, 2005 @ 11:10 am

  6. Don’t you dare insult Nixon!!!

    Nixon was a GOD!!!

    Growing up, I had posters of the man all over my room.

    I always wanted to be corrupt and greedy like him.

    Take your damn ethics and morals and leave them in the Democratic Party.

    Comment by Rich a*s Republican — July 3, 2005 @ 6:10 am

  7. If you want Obama’s kind of health care, fine! Hope you like having to wait a year for a doctor. I would rather get insurance from my employer or buy my own.

    Comment by Megan — July 6, 2005 @ 5:48 pm

  8. Please do not compare the likes of Nixon to Barack Obama.

    Comment by I Love kool-aide — July 7, 2005 @ 8:25 am

  9. Requiring a company to provide health-care coverage is totally different than having a government run universal health-care coverage program.

    Comment by TruthSeeker — July 8, 2005 @ 11:23 pm

  10. ASh so thats is where the insurance industry started running our country, and became in charge of our courts to steal money from the public to pay for campaign and have the law protect them more!

    Comment by who's sane — July 11, 2005 @ 1:23 pm

  11. So your defense would be the BIGGEST crook to ever inhabit the white house liked socialism?

    Okey dokey.

    Comment by Jenny — July 13, 2005 @ 1:54 am

  12. Oops, you let the cat out of the bag!

    Comment by Wounded Duck — July 14, 2005 @ 4:27 pm

  13. Oh, NOW, your praising Nixon.

    Wow – I guess that’s really what is meant by “out of Left Field” LOL

    He Also Promised to Withdraw Troops from Vietnam in 1968.

    Troops Remained There Until 1973.

    Obama will most likely learn the Reality of Troop Withdrawal, as well from Nixon.

    Nixsonalso created the EPA, FEMA, and the Largest Increase in Federal Funding to Black Colleges.

    He was a great President, that allowed his unchecked Paranoia to take himself down.

    But, for Years you Democrats Demonized Him.

    By today standards, he would be considered a Moderate, or even a Liberal Republican.

    That”Law” you mentioned, was for HMO Coverage (which is better than nothing) and only for covered Government Employees and is NOT the same as PPO opportunities and choosing your own Doctor.

    …and has NOTHING to do with Socializism.

    It was a “creation” not a “replacement of an existing Law”

    Obama is a far Left Liberal Anarchist and his idea of “change” is to Turn this County upsided down.

    Don’t ever play the “Nixon” card to cover for an Inept Liberal.

    Were you even Alive, then ??

    EDIT —

    Why are we even arguing these Points ?

    I see that Obama is the Favorite to be Elected.

    You will get the Man that You Wanted, so why even bother ?

    I’ll sit back and watch this country Decay and most Likely go towards –

    1. Rebellion – If the Democrats also get their 60% Majority

    2. Small outbreaks of Violence towards the Gov’t
    3. … and when all Republicans are unable to do Anything (the Democratic Dream) – the “Palace of Versaille” will be Stormed

    4. Leading to eventual Civil War, between our Gloriously Divided Country — NOT because of different Ideals, but because of the Extreme Hatred that Both Parties have for each other.

    Learn from History, Kids.

    The Terrorists do not have to do Anything.

    We are already Destroying Ourselves from Within, because of Partisan Pride.

    Hopefully, we can resolve with a Geographical Divide.

    The Demcrats

    — and the USSA – United Socialist States of America

    The Republicans —

    — and the UCRA — The United Constitutional Republic of America.

    Wow — This Really threw a “wrench” into the New World Order, didn’t it ??

    Won’t matter to me — I’ll be long dead by then LMAO

    Good Luck, Suckers !!

    Comment by Grow a Brain, Vote McCain !! — July 15, 2005 @ 5:17 pm

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